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    debating quotes/smart analogies

    i was an audience to a debate the other day and the third speaker was quite funny. "Chairperson, opposition, ladies and gentlemen. The affirmative team have led you down a dark, narrow windy path without no torch. WE ARE THE LIGHT" post your own or ones that you've heard!
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    Rudd's Education Reform: Laptops to 9-12 Seconday Students

    I'm somewhat confused on this matter. I've been told that every student in NSW years 9-12 will get a free laptop issued by the government which is for keeps. Can anyone verify ?
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    weird english assignment

    ROMEO AND JULIET Task: 1) Design a JIGSAW PUZZLE as a learning tool for students of Shakespeare. 2) Include a 250 WORD REFLECTIONSTATEMENT explaining your design and the concept of your focus area. FOCUS AREA TRACE ONE CHARACTER'S DEVELOPMENT Tthrough the play you have...