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  1. timrie6

    Art Express Nominees- Post your works here

    I know we have a couple of ArtExpress threads, and a post your major work thread, but I want to see all the people who got nominated together. I haven't got a letter though so I can't post mine here :(
  2. timrie6

    How do you sign up for SMS notification of our results?

    Don't yell at me if this has been posted somewhere else...
  3. timrie6

    Who is going to Newcastle Uni?

    What course are you doing? are you staying on campus? if so, which house I want to do arts/law or arts/something(dunno really) I applied for evatt house, it'd be good to meet some people also going there, cos I'll only know one person in Newcastle! I can't wait!
  4. timrie6

    Arts/Law Cutoff lowered? I just stumbled upon the site again and I noticed the the Arts/Combined degree is now 90 instead of 92.15! Does anyone know why?
  5. timrie6

    What mark did you get (after reading PC's answers)

    what mark did you get? here is the link to the answers to the General Maths paper 2004!
  6. timrie6

    Loner advantage

    I'm the only person in extension english1 at my school. I don't understand the process of the HSC at all really, and I was wondering if this would advantage me in any way in ext english.
  7. timrie6

    Do you like A Perfect Circle's Cover of Imagine?

    Listen to this new cover of Imagine by A Perfect Circle, and tell me if you like it or not. I personally love it. But people were paying me out for it :vcross: lol
  8. timrie6

    How do you think you went?

    What band do you think you got in English?
  9. timrie6

    Offering: Emma Techniques....Wanted: Clueless Techniques!

    Emma Writing Techniques • Balanced sentence structure o Noun, verb, noun, verb, noun, verb o “The hair was curled and the maid sent away, and Emma sat down to think and be miserable” • Irony o Where the literal meaning of the msg being put across is opposite to the intended msg o “She...
  10. timrie6

    Music 1: Did anyone use the transcript paper?

    I didn't. We've never had it for any of our past exams! We we supposed to use it
  11. timrie6

    Antony & Cleopatra Techniques

    I have things such as solilquys, ambiguity, suspense, sounds (flourishes, battle etc) but I need more!! please help how many do you think we will need? how much attention should we give to techniques
  12. timrie6

    Gwen Harwood

    I am doing Gwen Harwood my exam is tommorow and my school has not taught me this whole chunk of the syllabus what the fuck do i do "They research others’ perspectives of the text and test these against their own understanding and interpretations of the text. Students discuss and evaluate the...
  13. timrie6

    Who Did You Vote for?

    who did you vote for or who would u have voted for if you were old enough? (the poll is for the senate)
  14. timrie6

    Commonwealth Scholarships

    I was just wondering how much commonwealth scholarships are based on UAI- so anyone who has got this scholarship, what was your uai? what other factors influence who gets one and who doesn't?
  15. timrie6

    Spec Fiction Note Swapping

    Hey, im the only person doing 3U english at my school so it'd be good to discuss it and swap notes with other people. I've only just started making general notes on spec fiction & genre and on LOTR, Dune & Handmaid's Tale. I don't think I have sufficient information though. So if anyone would...
  16. timrie6

    Arts Degree

    Hey I am considering doing arts law @ uni, but i dont know what sort of subjects u can do in an arts degree i know i want to do a language, and some kind of design subject but what other choices are there and how many do u have to do?????????? thansk for ur help :)