umm dude.... this thread has been done. AND I STARTED THE OTHER ONE. How about hitting the search function yeah?
but my vote (as i said before) goes to the disco version of the national anthem... or that song that goes "WASSSSSSSSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP"
Hi Guys
Does anybody know of any cheap tax agents in the inner west? I tried filling out that damn form, and i don't really understand how to do it, and i want to find somebody to do it for me that doesn't have a massive fee, because I only get $600 back (I don't earn enough to be taxed...
cheer up muse. Have an e-hug :D
I'm listening to South's "paint the silence", as featured on The Heights. I love that song... good chillout music. It's also my "riding in busses with morons" music.
So anyone know when mix 4 will be available in Aus?
i shall make a comment on each 1st season episode as i go through my box set... and by the time i get to the end, season 2 will be out... then i can start on that... then by the time i finish that one, it'll be time for season 3....
i have it all planned
well I'm just going to come in to this thread every now and again and make random OC comments, just to justify the existence of this thread for another 6 months until season 3 starts. Watching "The heights" tonight... that's such a cute ending. That kickoff carnival reminds me of luna park in St...
well congrats to us, looks like we did pretty good overall.
To those braniacs who got marks in the 90's.... you really need to get out more. In the nicest possibly way, of course :p
you can do discrete maths, but you can't do that integral maths one because you need to have passed 1001/1901.
I'd personally do math1001 in summer school
Note to all. Math1001/1901 sucks. save yourself the pain, and don't do it.
OK people, what is the best job you ever had and why?
I got called in to do a commercial for Samyam, and they wanted ballet people. We got free (but ugly) tutus... and we had to do a piss-easy routine, and once we did it once, everybody was like "OMG wow!!! that's amazing. Are you tired? do...
hello to all... just finished watching OC episode 8 "the rescue"... julie cooper=megabitch. I wonder if she will be as devious in season 3 as she was in season 1