Search results

  1. Graney

    Textbooks for sale, STAT1070, Environmental science

    I have the following textbooks for sale "Introduction to the practice of statistics" 5th edition by Moore McCabe- Prescribed text for Stat 1070. "Biological Science", 2nd edition by scott freeman, prescribed text for first year bio courses, 1001, 1002 "Ecology- an Australian...
  2. Graney

    Should we harvest the limbs of paraplegics

    Serious thread. Whilst technology to repair spinal cords is still quite a way off, should we utilise the limbs of para/quadra-plegics to provide transplants to other people?
  3. Graney

    Should people who take illegal drugs be denied welfare?

    If someone receives a conviction for the possession of illicit drugs, and they are currently receiving unemployment support, youth allowance, the old age pension etc... Should they have their right to this benefit revoked? If you have received a conviction in the past, should you ever be...
  4. Graney

    What are your rights?

    I've been considering the concept of rights. What do you consider your rights, why do you have them, and under what authority? One kind of rights are the rights governments make that are set out in law, and we have international law regarding rights, as set out in documents such as the...
  5. Graney

    Should women be allowed to serve in the infantry?

    Fighting on the front line. The IDF do it. If a woman can perform at an equal level to a male infantryman, why should they not be allowed to do so?
  6. Graney

    Cool helmets

    Nothing's cooler than being safety conscious! Post helmets that look good, with the name so we can buy them plox. lazer dragon Bandit XXR
  7. Graney

    Most alleged 'drink spikings' not real, just plain pissed

    Study can't verify one 'drink-spiking' | National Breaking News | There's been so much hysteria about drink spiking for years, never letting strangers buy you drinks etc. Turns out lack of personal responsibility is most the problem.
  8. Graney

    General Motors bankrupt, continues to operate under chapter 11 plan

    GM bankruptcy FAQ: How it works - Jun. 2, 2009
  9. Graney

    Attacks on indian students in Melbourne; hindu extremists burn effigies of K. Rudd,25197,25573550-601,00.html This is a major incident and could turn into a serious threat to university revenues. Imo, there's not enough effigy burning in Australian politics. I only wish there was photos of Rudd burning.
  10. Graney

    Demand for secondary music teachers?

    I could die a happy man if I never have to write another scientific report. I'd rather stay in my current job as a mail sorter on $25k for the rest of my life than go back to my degree. To that end, I've been thinking of transferring to b. contemporary music at SCU next year, with a view of...
  11. Graney

    So you think you want a motorcycle?

    Similar questions come up every couple of months, so I thought I'd throw this out there. Post anything I've missed/mistakes, I'll edit the OP and credit you. New riders FAQ How do I get my licence? Check the website of your relevant state licencing authority. NSW- Learner rider...
  12. Graney

    Firepower- the greatest fraud in Australia's history

    Anyone been following this story? The gist of it is, a man by the name of Tim Johnston claimed to be about to release to the market a magic pill that would cut fuel consumption, emissions and boost performance in all internal combustion engines. National fuel consumption would drop 20%...
  13. Graney

    Crackdown on welfare for under 20s Crackdown on welfare for under 20s | The Australian Seems fair, although I think there are fatter cows they could have gone after before youth welfare. I'm curious about this...
  14. Graney

    NT planning mandatory reporting of suspected underage sex

    Condom controversy hits NT teens - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) Under proposed laws, any suspected incidents of underage sexual activity would be legally required to be reported, even if both parties are...
  15. Graney

    Why do governments give young people a hard time?

    Society generally seems to harbour a lot of negative feelings towards young people. This is expressed by governments specifically targeting young people with legislation. Ever increasing regulations against provisional drivers, punishing young people to an ever greater extent, for...
  16. Graney

    Which motorcycle should I modify? (warning: image heavy)

    I realize none of you are familiar with any of this, but I thought I'd throw it out there for shits and giggles and my own contemplation. Feel free to say whatever you like, suggest other bikes, throw other ideas out there, any random thoughts. I'm planning to modify a 250cc custom street...
  17. Graney

    Australia to outlaw excessive 'golden handshakes'

    AFP: Australia to outlaw excessive 'golden handshakes' Ridiculous populist move. The only effect this will have is to continue to drive talented executives overseas.
  18. Graney

    Should prostitution be illegal?

    This is a far more interesting discussion. Prostitution is completely legal in all states and territories of Australia. Prostitutes generally report a substantial number of their clients are married men. Some prostitutes will report that the majority of their clients are married men. Looking...
  19. Graney

    Best financial institution to join in the ACT?

    Having just moved to Canberra, I was dismayed to find my choosing institution, the 'greater building society', does not have branches in this part of the country. They were great, no fees ever (unless you make heaps of irregular withdrawals in a month), good service. I'd prefer not to go with...
  20. Graney

    'Watchmen' is a better film than 'The Dark Knight'

    Discuss. David and Margaret agree with me. I think the disparity between the reviews of the two films on sites such as rotten tomatoes, simply shows how strongly people are influenced by star power and hype. It had a better plot. It was stunning. The pacing was better. It has some sweet...