Search results

  1. Graney

    Meeting for all Proud Newcastle Racists. [Go-Karting Meet]

    As you all know, I'm a massive racist. Yep, whether on foot, swim, pushy, or especially if it's got an engine, I just love a good race war. To this end, I'm seeking expressions of interest in meeting at the Thornton Go-Kart track for some good ol' fashion racism. Apparently they have an...
  2. Graney

    Love The Beast (2009 Film)

    UGy-sl5-T3w From the trailer, this looks really cool, though it's hard to see how they could stretch the concept into a whole film. I could see it if it was made following a complete race series, and you could get the competition drama and all the different characters, but how do you build a...
  3. Graney

    Newstart- anyone received it?

    Due to financial necessity, I'm thinking of differing for a year, trying to find full-time work, passing the income test to be considered independent and then receiving youth allowance for the rest of my degree. I'm 21, living away from home, paying rent and looking for a full-time job. I've...
  4. Graney

    Have your political views changed over time?

    I'm interested in whether members of this forum have become more Socially Authoritarian or Libertarian, Economically Left or Right. If you've undergone any radical reappraisal, or shift in your viewpoint? Everyone is brought up with their parents beliefs and eventually has to decide if will...
  5. Graney

    Most fun car for <$10'000?

    How much fun can you have for <$10'000? Aside from price, reliability and RWD are the major criteria, but I'm willing to concede that some FWD hot hatches could be a laugh. Doesn't have to be P's legal. The only things I can think of are the mx5 or mr2. I don't know anything about what old hot...
  6. Graney

    Should intellectual property be abolished? (make all file sharing legal)

    Intellectual property refers to the exclusive rights to own the property of minds, including copyrights, trademarks, patents and related rights. It includes creations such as musical, literary, and artistic works; inventions; and symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce. There...
  7. Graney

    Worst cars on the road today?

    What makes you cringe? You'd have to be epically stupid to buy one of these. You spent $30'000 on an unreliable, gutless small car, with the worst handling in it's class. A mazda 2 or a Yaris pisses all over these cars in everything but the badge.
  8. Graney

    Should Australia grow its population to 100 million?

    Many in denial over rising population - Opinion - "it's doubtfull Australia can even support its present population: the best estimate of a population sustainable at the present standard of living is 8 million people, less than half of the present population." - Jared Diamond...
  9. Graney

    Is western civilisation better than aboriginies of the past?

    "You go on about how Aborigines were so primitive and the English were so advanced. The ‘sophisticated’ Europeans came to Australia and walked around in their funny suits, sweating their arses off while Aborigines knew how to take care of the land, the sophisticated Europeans were hopeless...
  10. Graney

    Best time to secure accomodation for 2009?

    Hey fellas and em, I'm looking to secure off campus accomodation for the first time since I started uni. Some sort of budget share house arrangement with strangers. With all the kiddies wanting to move to the city early next year, I'm worried about when the best time is to balance free...
  11. Graney

    Books on tertiary study skills?

    Despite many years of tertiary level education, I am still dreadfully disorganised and struggle to manage my subjects, what I should be doing when, and getting everything prioritised and written on time. I am very motivated, and want to learn how to succeed at tertiary education. I was talking...
  12. Graney

    In defence of eugenics

    In the 1920s and '30s, scientists from both the political left and right would not have found the idea of designer babies particularly dangerous- though of course they would not have used that phrase. Today, due to the work of Adolf Hitler, the idea is felt too dangerous to even discuss among...
  13. Graney

    A refutation of moral relativism

    "A refutation of moral relativism: interviews with an absolutist" by Peter Kreeft is one of the most amazing books I've ever read. It's written as a fictional transcript of an interview between "'Isa a Muslim fundamentalist from Palestine who teaches philosophy at the American University in...
  14. Graney

    Safest long term investment

    I'm trying to figure out what is the safest long term investment possible in Australia. I'm planning on following this advice: The plan is to be able to live frugally off...
  15. Graney

    Which in car GPS to buy?

    Anyone used one? Easy, fast, efficient? Worth the money? What are the best brands, models? Is it possible to get a decent unit for under $200?
  16. Graney

    Moto GP 2008

    Exciting championship this year with Stoner trying to back up the 2007 win. Rossi has moved from the underperforming michelins to bridgestone to be on an equal footing with Stoner, and the new yamaha has a bit more power. Pedrosa is on an all new honda and is a real contender. New entries to...
  17. Graney

    I got my mid-year exam results yesterday!

    How can it possibly take so long? I did one of the many specials. I assumed I'd failed, because it took so long. I emailed my lecturer 3 times and the slack bastard never got back to me. I got a C! woo! Not repeating subjects with mandatory 3 day excursions yay!