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  1. J

    student email down?

    argh is everyone else's email down the only day i need to get assessment results emailed to me and its not working:(
  2. J

    re-enrolling 2007

    when does this happen? does any one know? thanks :)
  3. J

    Chattel or Fixture?

    dishwasher-chattel (if stated by contract: fixture) electric stove-fixture (if one) chattel (if more than one) television aerial attached to roof fixture removable clothesline chattel demountable shed chattel is this right?
  4. J


    hey i was just wandering when webct is changing over cause like usually by now all the units from autumn are gone and we are waiting for the new ones to come up. I checked the uws site and i couldnt find when they said the change will occur does anyone know anything about this? thanks...
  5. J

    Platform Web problems

    today is my first day of tutorial registration, i checked the uws platform web yesterday and it was down all you can log in but you can't see the home page to click onto tutorial registration, instead this message comes up: Closed for Maintenance myuwsaccount Sorry. This site is...
  6. J

    IHRM parra students

    hey has ben put up anything in regarding the assignment pick up ? cause my webct is not updating itself and not logging in sometimes.
  7. J

    McDonald's Workers

    Hey everyone I have an assessment for uni on McDonald's for HR and I was just wandering if anyone would be able to tell me where I could find an OCL (Observation Learning Checklist) or if someone has a copy of one could they post it please thankyou :)
  8. J

    important: IHRM students

    THURSDAY EVENING CLASSES: Please note that the 8-9pm tutorial will definitely be held in EDG75, the same room as the lecture from 6-8pm. It is highly likely that the 5-6pm tutorial will also be in EDG75, but we are awaiting confirmation from Timetabling. Therefore, would the 5-6pm tutorial...
  9. J

    reminder: stickers for student card

    just a reminder for non-first year students (i.e. 2nd onwards :P) to get a new public transport sticker for your student card...even if you drive to uni it is still good to have if you have to go to the city and stuff :)
  10. J

    OneKey Management Foundations

    Hey everyone I tried to register my onekey log in and stuff and I got an email confirmation saying I have done it. I came to test it out and it did not work, is this the same for any one else?
  11. J

    How was your o-day?

    Please share all your experiences, embarrassments, etc here! :p
  12. J


    yay we finally have a sub forum.. can we please have this further divided into faculties thankyou :)
  13. J

    confirm registrations button

    i have not registered for any tutorials/lectures/seminars yet, today is my first day and i only need to register for one unit today...can we click the 'confirm registration' button even if i haven't registered my other 3 units yet i forgot :p
  14. J

    uwssa site

    uwssa has updated their site and has put photos up and made it more user friendly
  15. J

    200150 Managing Diversity

    Just to let all students who have enrolled into this unit for autumn 06 the co op lady said there is no prescribed text for the unit, instead there is going to be a set of course notes which will be available by week 2 or 3 when university commences
  16. J

    valley of the kings tomb uncovered

    Valley of the Kings tomb uncovered Egypt has unveiled the first Pharaonic tomb discovered in the famed Valley of the Kings since that of the boy king Tutankhamun in 1922. Five mummies were found inside the roughly two-metre by...
  17. J

    Charge for emails

    Yahoo, AOL announce email 'postage' fee Does a decision by two of the world's biggest email account providers to offer a fee-based email delivery service signal the end of free email as we know it? Probably not ...
  18. J

    TV forum for Islamic people

    In my local newspaper the following ad was placed cronulla: the riots and the aftermath what's it like to be moslem in australia? a channel nine 60 minutes forum wednesday 8th february from 6pm if you'd like to attend and have your say on national television call 9965 4616; 9965...
  19. J

    get paid to drive thomas the tank!

    when i saw this i laughed :P Amusement Ride Operator Drive Thomas the Tank Engine for kids Weekends Only Suit University Student or similar. The Train Shed is a Children's Park featuring Thomas the Tank Engine and his Friends, located at Vicary's Winery, Luddenham, (just south...
  20. J

    student marketing australia-orientation job

    hey guys i was just wandering has anyone been contacted from student marketing australia? because I got a telephone interview and then the next round was to fill out this application form with a lot of questions. They said they would contact people late january early february. Has anyone been...