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    wat model?
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    Bin Laden offers truce

    you must remember that the article is biased especially the line, "But experts on militant Islam say the message appears aimed at the European people - hoping they will pressure their governments in the wake of last month's Madrid bombings to stop supporting US military operations in Muslim...
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    any websites for the dragonfly place? potts point? is that far?
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    UAI estimates for med entry

    at least ur top few, i'm not the top few for any subject
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    UAI estimates for med entry

    and what would that be? telstra stadium?? lol yea, actually, i'm only a little higher than half way for eng and every other subject i'm halfway not including maths
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    UAI estimates for med entry

    o yea, all hail my eco marks rite jo? and i'm doing fine, not good enough compared to the other girls in our grade
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    man's penis explodes after sex

    so.. what does it actually mean by... explode?
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    Girl can begin life as a boy, court rules

    well if thats the case, Alex should get mental help first before commiting herself to a sex change
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    man's penis explodes after sex

    Doctors in Romania are treating a 28-year-old whose penis exploded while he was making love to his girlfriend. Ilarie Coroiu was taken to hospital in the Transylvanian town of Cluj after his girlfriend, Magdalena, 18, "felt something strange" and noticed that the bed was covered in blood...
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    music: what does everyoneone listen to

    its rap its own genre? or part of hip hop? where's nickyazn when you need her?
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    10 is like.. getting one for me lol
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    Patriotism in Australia

    the thing isn't working
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    UAI estimates for med entry

    o phew, cos my marks, are like... average *i'm serious, i'm not complaining about being not in the top 3, i'm like.. half way* I was hoping i'll catch up during the trials
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    Official Charmed Discussion

    but the new episode next week is good! i'm serious
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    Keira Knightley

    i thought it was quite easy to tell them apart in the photo posted above I think keira looks better than natalie, in the photo above however, natalie looks better
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    Same-Sex Marriage

    lets see, the only thing wrong with homosexuality is it defies religion e.g. Christianity apart from that, there is nothing wrong with homosexuality other than, its not normal which people are quick to redefine what "normal" means
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    UAI estimates for med entry

    When do we get our UAI estimates? how does it work? o my... i'm scared, right now my marks aren't fabulous
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    anyone got into med with an UAI lower than 97?

    UAI estimates? over 98 or very close to 99? *gulps*
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    Official Charmed Discussion

    watch next week guys, its new, its about chris Chris Crossed I loved that episode, it was a good episode