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  1. I

    Everytime video

    Anyone seen it yet? it was very different from the other brit videos... and i thought it was kinda weird, i thought it didn't match the song and not to mention, it didn't make any sense lol
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    Official Charmed Discussion

    thank god
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    Same-Sex Marriage

    the Pope is just another human being
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    Same-Sex Marriage

    homosexuality was never righted
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    just wondering seeing as calculon managed to bring her up again, did she got banned?
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    Official Charmed Discussion

    btw eeko - how did youknow about the season finale, its not even shown in the US yet
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    Official Charmed Discussion

    actually i don't mind jason that much, but i hate his haircut and the way he acts But the cole-phoebe thing dragged on a bit too much, they should've stopped when the 3 gals vanquished him in season 4
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    Hilary Duff

    i'll turn it off immediately
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    Official Charmed Discussion

    chris can't act, but he looks good :)
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    Hilary Duff

    o my... i'm sure half of us can sing better than hilary's atrocious attempt on come clean
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    Shut up freaks!

    omg... it actually happened, i got a higher mark then she did but then i couldn't bring myself to bag her out, cos she was really unhappy
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    dont bitch.dont whine.just think

    can't analyse if you don't know how others did
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    How-To-Study Effectively Techniques Workshop

    you've only asked a couple of us
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    wot wud happen if i did this...

    omg, this si the most hilarious thing i've read. I'm gonna do it sometime, for trials :D hahahhaha once i walked into my friend's class just for fun, the teacher accepted me, but then she got pissed cos i was talking and kicked me out
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    Hilary Duff

    i can't be bothered reading the whole thread but her singing's atrocious the only good song is So Yesterday - its bearable come clean is.... *arrrgghhhhhhhh* In the MTV award she was lip synching! At least other artists actually dances their butt off! What was Hilary doing? Dragging the...
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    William Hung Album

    actually, i think ppl should buy it I wanna see how well it actually does with first week sales lol will he make it to the billboard top 100?
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    Official Charmed Discussion

    and how pointless was plot B in last week's episode with the Darryl thing? They should have one big complicated plot throughout the season, and just ONE plot large enough for one episode.
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    Official Charmed Discussion

    i don't want leo and piper back together Leo sucks, he should just go away. actually, i'm hoping the show will get darker, more like buffy :D Charmed won't get axed, theres still another season to go, summing it to seven seasons. After that rose McGowan's leaving
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    Official Charmed Discussion

    eeko thx a lot lol and no i dont' think next week tell is the chris i'm the bro revealing episode yet
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    How-To-Study Effectively Techniques Workshop

    no, just make study sessions its like study camps just that, you don't have to live there i'm trying to find something like that, something like study camps minus the living part