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  1. zannaz

    Which is the best uni for business/commerce/economics?

    But that darkness was appealing to me, i guess everyone 's different. You'll get over it after you meet new people, go to parties, go to manning join clubs etc and start assignments/studying. I'm doing some first year commecre subjects next yr, might see you around! Good luck!
  2. zannaz

    Which is the best uni for business/commerce/economics?

    so what was your final decision?
  3. zannaz

    Which is the best uni for business/commerce/economics?

    yes i am at usyd! I chose usyd for superficial reasons like the environment/surroundings and proximity to city/home beacuse the degree was still really good. It just appealed more to me than unsw. but i understand about the gloominess etc of usyd.
  4. zannaz

    Which is the best uni for business/commerce/economics?

    No its not a silly reason! As far as i am concerned there is no major difference between Unsw and Usyd apart from the majors available. So just choose the one you feel more comfortable in, the uni that appeals more to you etc!
  5. zannaz

    Welcome to Usyd Business and Economics!!!

    nah you'll be fine. I never did maths in year 12 and i still manage to pass and get decent grades. But this is only first year, If you are thinking of majoring in Finance/accounting/economics/econometrics in later years than you need to be good at maths. But i'm majoring in Marketing which...
  6. zannaz

    do you have any advice to help a new uni student to get good grades?

    Consistency and attendance are the two most important things i can say. Consistent study, review etc and waht minai said attend all classes or at least make the effort to, makes ahell of a difference!
  7. zannaz


    Of course there's Homework. e.g. For Accouting 10% of your mark is homework. Each week there is a set number of questions to do and take into your tutorial. They collect 4 set of homework but they don't tell you when they will collect it so the safest thing to do is always do it. The are...
  8. zannaz

    Arts/commerce - how many arts' majors??

    Yes you can do a double major for an Arts/Commerce subject. I've asked the faculty whether i could do a Sociology and Gender Studies Majors to coincide with my intended Marketing and Accounting Majors for Commerce and they said it was fine! However, their may be some instances though where...
  9. zannaz

    Campus 2010 - New USYD Buildings!!!

    The angle of the picture doesn't do the whole design justice. But i would have preferred the highly commended design to the winner though!
  10. zannaz

    is there a difference??

    This is the only difference. B.A/B.Com means that the arts faculty are the ones that handles your enrolment throughout your degree. They are practically the same course. I'm doing a B.A.,B.COM and i did more commerce subjects this year.
  11. zannaz

    first yr subjects in commerce

    Trends show that Commerce and combined commerce degrees have been increasing. So unless some miracle happens it might go down, but highly unlikely. I think it will increase agtin this year! You might be able to do economics or economics and social science which isn't too far off 91 and then...
  12. zannaz

    Welcome to Usyd Business and Economics!!!

    Yes first post. Anyone with any questions about the Usyd Business and Economics Faculty feel free to ask and it shall be answered. . .eventually!
  13. zannaz

    which is better??

    For me the Business/commerce degrees at UTS, USYD and UNSW have their strengths and weaknesses but generally theres no in obtaining a degree from any of the three unis when it comes to employment opportunities etc. So choose which uni you feel more comfortable with and can see doing well in!!!
  14. zannaz

    Commerce or Economics

    The main difference between an economics and commerce degree lies with the majors you can do, well for usyd that is! When you take an economics degree you MUST major in one of economics/econometrics/economic history plus on top of this you you can take an optional major from commerce eg...
  15. zannaz

    Campus 2010 - New USYD Buildings!!!

    For those interested this is the winning design for the new Law building which will be built next to the library at USYD camperdown campus. Total cost $A 82m This is the concept design that won the rights to build thenew...
  16. zannaz

    top 10% of the state?

    Hey clairegirl. i got one of those those awards last year, pretty cool but embarassing having your picture enlarged really big and for the whole school to see!!! I definitely think you'll get one due to IPT, Adv English, and Business Studies probably in the top 10%, maybe even gen maths...
  17. zannaz

    Hey What could i do wif this??

    The only ones i could think of are: B. Agricultural Economics @ Usyd B. e-Commerce @ Macq There may be more! I think for a safe bet you should try UWS which has business courses in the low 80's, and you can specialise in marketing, Accounting etc. . .
  18. zannaz

    ahh Uni Texts

    At usyd there is the SRC Second Hand Bookshop as with most uni's. The books are sometimes out of date and worn but for the most part they can be useful, though i've never bought anything from there!
  19. zannaz

    usyd Arts students - advice pleze

    Well i only one arts subject this year (Sociology) and three commerce subjects and next year i'll do the opposite. But to answer your question , i think if you do all your set readings each week, practice essay writing and start assessments early then it won't be difficult to get a...
  20. zannaz

    i need help...seriously

    the only take into account your results in first year (you must get at least a Credit average) and your UAI. The fact that you haven't done physics or aren't good in chemistry won't be considered.