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  1. zannaz

    How was everyone's o-week?

    I've had a pretty good O-Week. I had the essential library tour which was pretty boring but i i just made conversation with the people in my tour. Went to the Business and Economics Faculty welcome though did not stay for the BBQ, but did meet heaps of new people who were doing my course and...
  2. zannaz

    *claps for timmii*

    That South Park episode was hilarious, the funniest one i've ever seen!!!
  3. zannaz

    What do you use?

    We used that in yr 11 but in year 12 we used heineman which was good. I also bought the excel, which i do not recommend, Our teacher also summarised some parts for us and provided us with case studies so the textbooks were mainly used for revision!!!
  4. zannaz


    Well it really depends what uni you're going to! If you are going to USyd then some, if not most courses have not shown what texts you need to have. Textlists will probably be given to students during O-Week where then you could buy them at the Usyd coop bookshop or second hand shop. I...
  5. zannaz

    PIP award ceremony...

    I wanted to get one!!! Well i'm glad the girl from the school went to go one!!!
  6. zannaz

    musical instruments

    i'm pretty good at clapsticks! My one ambition is to learn to play an instrument, especially acoustic guitar or bass guitar!!!
  7. zannaz

    PIP award ceremony...

    There is an award ceremony, i didn't know!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess didn't get one then, but my teacher told me i was gauranteed at least 29/30 and prob 30. They only give around 7 major awards eg political award, popular culture etc and a few highly commended ones!!! *sigh*, well make sure to...
  8. zannaz

    vote john brogden!

    There is also the careers day workshops and markets, where you volunteer to act as a PR for Usyd at schools and at various careers markets. I think it's good experience for customer service jobs, as you liase with prosepective students, answering questions etc.
  9. zannaz

    Anybody Looking At Queensland Uni's ??

    Ummm, a while ago i was thinking about UQ, as chait said it's part of Go8 and is a very nice campus, with a good repuatation, but my i didn't want to move that far!!!
  10. zannaz

    vote john brogden!

    'Become s defensive' No, No, No, we do have dance parties!!!! Dj's are planned and bands and very wild nites!!!:D
  11. zannaz

    vote john brogden!

    That's a good reason to vote for Brogden!!! I think i'ss stick to Carr, but you know the state of the railsystem and growing gun culture has made me think more :confused:
  12. zannaz

    What a game!!!!!

    Good on them. The socceroos are so underrated.
  13. zannaz

    vote john brogden!

    oh i jsut can't wait for the exitement of 0-week, hey gerling are playing so it should be fun!!! I haven't heard of a club i want to joing yet, mayby commerce society or maybe not, i dunno. I ahven't seen the full list yet!!!
  14. zannaz


    I did transformation in 2002. Our texts were the film 'Clueless' by Amy Heckerling and the Jane Austen novel 'Emma'. The study of these two texts dealt mainly with their contexts. We had to analyse the tranformation of ideas, ideologies, social expectations and issues like social etiquette...
  15. zannaz


    I had a legal studies research essay worth 35% of assessment and i started it the night before it was due and finished a 4:30 am and had to wake up at 6:30am to go to school with only 2 hours sleep, heaps of coffee. BTW i got 100% for that....shocked! Anyway the main motivater was the UAI...
  16. zannaz

    number of hours study per day

    Yeah, maybe 2 weeks before trials and after trials towards hsc exams you may want to increase the study hours but don't overdo it, study in moderation....!!!
  17. zannaz

    examiners' reports

    Yeah they would be out before the end of feb. (according to a source from BOS)
  18. zannaz

    What Course and where???

    That damn bus and eco handbook was confusing at first with all these credit points, minors, majors, junior, senior but its all good now, kinda got the hang of the terminology!!! Sociology should be good this year, and yeh i'll see around. Did you do HSC Society and Culture???
  19. zannaz

    Usyd O-week

    For the University of Sydney Union O-Week page follow the link!