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  1. zannaz

    Liberal Studies

    I don't think it is necessarily a BAD course, on the contrary it's quite extensive and broad and allows for a well rounded education. But the reason i think for the large drop out rate is because a large number of people who do this course do not know what they want to specialise in at...
  2. zannaz

    Commerce/arts At Usyd Or Anu????

    I'm doing Arts/Commerce @ Usyd. For me, the experience has been quite good. I was a humanities kind of person in High School so i wanted to choose a course that was broad in the skills you gain but also attractive to employers and arts/commerce seemed to fit perfectly. I was also thinking...
  3. zannaz

    transfer possiblility ?

    Pass - 50+ Credit - 65+ Distinction - 75+ High Distinction - 85+ Yeah alot of people try to transfer, which makes things difficult especially transfering to Law or Commerce etc!
  4. zannaz

    transfer possiblility ?

    Yes it is possible to transfer to a different course within the same uni and faculty. This, however, is competitive and you must get at least a Credit Average to be able to transfer. They take account of your UAI too. Plenty have done it, so yeah good luck!
  5. zannaz

    UAI Prediction...

    around the 80 mark!
  6. zannaz

    Prediction please

    I'm leaning more towards 87-90 range!
  7. zannaz

    uai prediction after results

    most llikely Mid 80's and possibly high 80's
  8. zannaz

    are 90s possible?

    Yeh DEFINITELY possible. I got similar marks last years and got 95+ buy you got a little better so perhaps 96-98 range!
  9. zannaz

    Can I please have a prediction

    I predict Mid 70's to mid 80's
  10. zannaz

    Exam Results

    I'm so glad i passed, i wanted to do better and these results are much worse than first sem. accounting - Pass macroeconomics - Pass econometrics - Pass Sociology - HD I'm certain that i'll do MUCH better next sem, because i'll be doing marketing junior units which will be my major in...
  11. zannaz

    Motor Ace @ Manning Bar

    Is anyone going to see the whitlams play at Manning?
  12. zannaz

    How was everyone's o-week?

    Hey Timmii i think we have the same lecturers for all the commerce subjects, not that it's particular surprising considering how large lectures are. I have Martin for accounting and he does seem to know a fair bit. It was good for that representative from CPA to come along for the tuesday 11-12...
  13. zannaz

    What to take?

    emz, today's lecture was huge, so much people aye!!! Some people do seem snobbish, but i tend to just chat to anyone anywhere like lining up at the copy centre or waiting to go into a lecture theatre.. . you can come sit with me:D if you feel lonely!!! I'm friendly enough!!!
  14. zannaz

    What to take?

    Today i had Business and Economic stats at 10am in eastern ave auditorium which was packed. Luckily i sat next to friendly people who i met and talked to. Then i had microeconomics at the same place after an hours break at 12pm. There was so much people at uni today!!! All in all it was...
  15. zannaz

    What to take?

    I'm a bit nervous as it will be our first uni lecture/day ever. Im just bringing a lecture pad and pens because i don't think we really are going to start taing notes, or maybe we will i just don't know. I am using lecture pads for each subject it's just much more easier for me. But like...
  16. zannaz

    timetables are up!!

    My timetable was crap at first, i had a full five dayer but changed it to have friday off. I also start at 10 every day and finish about 3 with 1 hour breaks in between!! I'm doing sociology, can't wait seems interesting but i also got to do all the commerce compulsory subjects!!!