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  1. jazzmuzik

    art 2007~ technical help

    I am in the experimenting and planning stage of my major work atm. (i haven't put paint on my main canvas yet.) anyway i'm a little stumped... I am doing a long panoramic approprition of Hokusai's "the great wave of kanagawa" (over 10 individual panels) inspired a little by whitely's...
  2. jazzmuzik

    for the hopeless romantics...

    whats the best romantic movie? (sometimes known as the chick flick) let me know what you reckon. i'll start it off.. the note book love actually notting hill the holiday...etc etc. ("romance" is up to personal choice, but i reckon house of flying daggers is quite romantic.)
  3. jazzmuzik

    performance idea help

    Hi all, i'm a new 2007 HSC music student (music 1) anyway i'm just trying to work out what i want to do for my performances. in the past i'm bludged my way through these tasks at left them last minute. (I play trumpet btw) anyway i need some help... 1) i would like to do an arrangement of...
  4. jazzmuzik

    2007 Drama Design~ which text?

    Just interested to know which texts have ppl chosen for their design IP?
  5. jazzmuzik

    2007 design~which text?

    which text are you doing for your design indivual project..2007 drama students plz
  6. jazzmuzik

    Drama 2007~ which design texts?

    I'm doing design for HSC drama (most likely costume) and i'm just reading through the text list atm. Not sure which play to do however i'm liking "summer rain", "private lives" or "ham funeral".. just interested in what texts others have chosen...??
  7. jazzmuzik

    Art 2007~ I don't know where to start!

    I have just started my year 12 art course this week and for the past couple of months i've been jotting down major work ideas..I've also been looking through the art express catalogues and i suddenly feel lost. My ideas are more about what the artwork would look like and then what it represents...
  8. jazzmuzik

    anyone applying for NIDA (design) atm?

    The 2007 application for NIDA is on the net now.. just interested to know if anyones applying and which text are you doing your project for? choices were romeo and juliet, stolen, caberet and the crucible... (i'm not i'm only in yr just interested)
  9. jazzmuzik

    whats your gothic story about

    I'm studying gothic literature for Extension English and the final task is to write a gothic short story. I'm already working on mine so i'm not out to steal ideas, just wondering what's everyone else writing about.. and what gothic conventions are you including?