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  1. jazzmuzik

    set template

    Anyone know where I can find a good template for a stage, which i can use as the basis for a theatre set sketch? (its actually for English) not drama, so it doesnt have to be detailed, just a general 3d framework.. ? (Normal Proscenium arch will do..)
  2. jazzmuzik

    so we have to come up with a directorial vision for king lear?

    We have to consider the relevence of the play to a modern audience, and through a consdieration of what costumes, set, lighting, script (editting etc), blocking... how we would highlight an appropriate theme eg. power, betrayal, disguise, madness, chaos and order etc etc. Most ppl are...
  3. jazzmuzik

    anyone an Adrian Cunningham fan?

    i'm sure its a small but passionate group of ppl, who i) know who he is! ii) like his music. I'm a fan :p anyone else?
  4. jazzmuzik

    Who's currently in a School Musical?

    Hey all, Our school is currently in the rehearsal stages of our very first school musical :) We are doing "Back to the 80's"... (love shack, footloose, mickey,"leg warmers" "ugly hair" the lot..) I'm a small teacher role, and helping with costumes and egenral backstage. Anyway what else are...
  5. jazzmuzik

    Swan lake: Viva.

    I'm doing My Viva on Tchaikovsky's score for Swan Lake... what should i include? (I am going to mention the adjustments that Riccardo Drigo made to the score..)
  6. jazzmuzik

    what's your speculative short story about?

    ? Mines a sci fi story set in the future, when the first cryogenically preserved human being is being "thawed"
  7. jazzmuzik

    Funny Exam Answers

    There was an Fwd email i received ages ago with a heap of funny HSC answer actually written on past exam papers. Has anyone still got it? I've looked everywhere trying to find a copy of it but no longer can. There's also a more recent one where a student sketched a ninja turtle on one of the...
  8. jazzmuzik

    How thick is your design logbook so far? (how long does it have to be...)

    So far I've stuck in a fair few articles, collected lots of pictures for inspiration, done some initial sketches which i'll develop, a few pages of the meaning i find in the script... So far my log is about 25-30 pages long. (its a large blank A3 art diary) how long is your so far? How is...
  9. jazzmuzik

    Drama group performances

    I guess its about that time when preparations begin for Drama group performances... Some of you may have just started, but i know our class starts this term. I'm a little apprehensive about ours, because we dont know our groups yet (our teacher is choosing them, which is a good thing because...
  10. jazzmuzik

    My story is waay too long, what can i do?

    I have just finished my short story for extension english (speculative fiction) Last year i wrote a similar story for the "Gothic" genre and I wrote this one to the same length. Now that i've finished (its due sometime this/next week) I just realised this years word limit is about half of what...
  11. jazzmuzik

    how do you study?

    What do you find is the most important things to study? What should you avoid when studying? eg learning irrelevent material What do you find the most effective way to study?
  12. jazzmuzik

    question: conscious?, unconscious?

    This may not be in the right section but its "health" related...And i should know this but i'm confused... what are the characteristics of a conscious/unconscious person? eg. Breathing but no pulse? Breathing with pulse? No breathing no pulse? what about someone in a coma...
  13. jazzmuzik

    auto license, can i drive a manual?

    I have my red P's in an auto. I know i cant drive a manual until i get on my green P's (a year). If i want to learn in the meanwhile though what do i do? Do i put on L plates when driving the manual? (or not...cause i technically no longer have a Learner license...)
  14. jazzmuzik

    question about writing dialogue

    When writing dialogue in a story, how do you structure it? If two people have a convosation, do you start a new line when a new person speaks? When one person is speaking, but the convosation pauses for description, do you continue on the same line? or start a new line as the dialogue...
  15. jazzmuzik

    18th birthday party ideas?

    What's everyone doing for their 18th? What did you do? I'm planning an outdoor party in winter, any ideas? candles, lanterns, bonfire etc?
  16. jazzmuzik

    18th birthday parties!

    I'm currently organising my 18th birthday party, i'm having it combined with my best friend We wanted a really fun "gypsy" style theme including.. * fairy lights * bonfires in drums, * lots of candles * japanese lanterns. The dress is masquerade, (just means wear a mask in this case)...
  17. jazzmuzik

    costume design: what era?

    I'm doing costume design for "The Ham Funeral" by Patrick White. according to the script it is set in about 1919. And the landlady has a vaguely edwardian hairstyle... Both these eras are different (costume wise).. there is the 1920's or early 1900's (like 1905 etc) which era should i...
  18. jazzmuzik

    how to add an attachment to a BOS message?

    Hmm i'm computer illiterate, but i cant find an option that will allow me to attach a file.I want to attach a word document. Help plz!
  19. jazzmuzik

    Failed P's?

    I just sat for my P's the afternoon and failed. I got 90+ in the score but got an immediate fail because i didnt stop at a stop sign. I didnt know where or how i did cause i swore i stopped at every stop sign i saw. Dad and I drove the course again after trying to find where i'd made the...
  20. jazzmuzik

    creative: what to be when i grow up?

    I've recently been tossing around ideas of what i want to be when i grow up. :) For a long time i've wanted to work in theatre, as a costume and set designer. I'm from the country but for many years our family has been involved in the local theatrical society, and also general performing arts...