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  1. Cape


    Sorry about this, but I'm going to rant. Just got back from my 3 hour practical at Parramatta. I thought going to Parrmatta meant that I wouldn't get as tired as I would going to Hawkesbury - the past 2 days I have been proven wrong. I'm dead tired and I have a massive headache. I have had...
  2. Cape

    Parra classrooms

    Righto, I finally decided that I should start getting organised for monday - lol. Anyway, I had a look at my timetable and my intro to earth sciences lecture is in a room with the numbers / letters: LYLG04 - wtf does this mean??? Does it mean building LY level ground room 04??? I'm so confused.
  3. Cape

    Student fees

    WOW! They are certainly organised this year. I just got my invoice. $182.00 They have even changed the format, they also have the hecs cost as well ... even though its still got my old subjects. But, student fees must be paid before 11/02/05 HECS if your paying upfront must be paid...
  4. Cape

    I need your advice on something

    Well, looks like i'm coming back to uni this year. But the problem is i'm thinking that I might do urban geography at blacktown on fridays. Not that thats a problem, the thing is i have already decided to do intro to earth sciences at parra and i have two tourism subjects at hawkesbury. So if i...
  5. Cape

    University money saving tips

    Ok, we all know university is VERY expensive, and considering that I'm bored, I have decided to make some dot points which will help some of you guys save some of that hard earned money :) * This one is kinda obvious, but if your driving a car, shop around for petrol and use those shopping...
  6. Cape

    Changing subjects

    Is there a way which we can change our timetable for first semester without having to go to uni? Or can we just go to any of the student centres, cause I don't want to travel 2 and a bit hours just to give them a piece of paper. And I don't want to have to do it when uni starts either cause I...
  7. Cape

    Subject selection

    I'm trying to decide what subject to do, cause i had one clash. I wanted to do environmental issues but it clashed with my health impacts of tourism lecture - which i have to do. I'm wondering should i do rural property planning management - i don't really know, i don't even know what i like...
  8. Cape

    Cheez tv

    Don't even ask why i watch cheez tv, but is there a way of finding out what cartoons are on cause the tv guide usually doesn't say and it doesn't say on their website either - hey atleast it something worth while to watch in the morning. :p
  9. Cape

    Advice on a friends relationship

    I need you guys advice for something. A good friend of mine, well she used to be a good friend until this happened, was chatting in a chatroom one night and she started talking to this guy, and they decided to meet the next day after talking for about an hour ... but this isn't the problem...
  10. Cape

    Laptop problem

    Something is seriously wrong with my laptop and i have no idea what it is. I don't know much about computers, so yeah. Well it requentely turns the screen off but the laptop is still on its just the screen dies and i try to turn it off and sometimes it won't turn off and if it does turn off...
  11. Cape

    Industrial experience

    Who here has to do industrial experience as part of their degree??? Do all degrees have to do it and is the hours more or less the same? I have to do 400 hours ... to me this seems like a hell of a lot! What do u guys have to do??
  12. Cape

    A question

    I got an assignment back from my aboriginal class, and my lecturer wrote comments all through it accusing me of being racist when my assignment was a reflection report. I'm english and shes part aboriginal so we have different terminology and she marked me down on this. If u happened to have...
  13. Cape

    Under the tuscan sun

    Has anyone read it ... and what u think of it. I haven't read much of it, but so far its very detailed about what traditional italy is.
  14. Cape

    Cyber Love

    Do you think that you can find love through technology ie: online or through phones. My best friend likes a guy she met on speed dating ... shes 18 and hes 22, except hes been sending her rude sms. She wants to met him and he wants to met her, however i am scared that he is gonna hurt her...
  15. Cape

    Shark attack in WA

    Shark victim's name released 16:49 AEST Sun Jul 11 2004 Police have released the name of a 29-year-old surfer killed by a shark in an attack at a surfing beach near Margaret River. He was Bradley Adrian Smith, of Shoalwater, 41km south of Perth. Mr Smith died at the scene from...
  16. Cape


    Is it just my crappy net, or is none of the uws website working except for a couple of things??? Like there is no email ... and i was waiting for a tut teacher to reply to my email about something. :confused:
  17. Cape

    End of semester

    YAY!!! I'm on holz now ... anyway, do we find out what average we have for our subjects??? Like what happens???
  18. Cape


    Is it just me, or is getting good marks in uni very very difficult. For example, i just got an assignment back, i followed every instruction on the assignment sheet, however, i only got a P+. So far, all i have got is P. I guess its better than failing. But how hard do I actually have...
  19. Cape

    Assignment help!?!

    Hey does anyone here know how to appendix?? I have to appendix for an assignment and i really don't know what to do. Please help ... my assignment is due next wednesday :(
  20. Cape

    Upgrade security on trains

    What do u guys think about this security upgrade that they are thinking of doing on sydney public transport??? Personally i think that its not nessecary. Heres an idea, how about we actually fix the system and make things, especially trains run on time. Or is that just too much to ask...