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  1. mitochondria

    lol, i just can't help, the excel book is so dodgy :P

    well, i guess we all know that.. *blink blink* just to loose the tension up a bit ;) lol, flip to P.118 if you have the excel book - the second column and right @ the bottom says: It's essentially a quantum mechanical phenomenon and hence is difficult to explain simply but it goes ROUGHLY...
  2. mitochondria

    The Search for Better Health Tips

    meeee tired :( but i still managed to scab this place :) i can go to sleep now.. *happy* 1. Temporary hint: biology is easy to cra* on about heeey.. don't misunderstand me.. i loooove all science subjects.. including bio of course.. okay.. i'm not making any sense now.. nite nite...
  3. mitochondria

    Blueprint of Life Tips

    Yay! First one to post :) sorry to disappoint you guys.. the tips are not up and done yet.. mee am just scabbing this first place :p this is to compensate my loss in Bio.. came third :( just don't understand why, i came first in all assessments since and including the half yearly and still cam...
  4. mitochondria

    Maintaining a Balance Tips

    1. Be familiar with enzymes, know that most enzymes are very specific with what substrate they act on. The enzyme-substrate complex is like a "key and lock". 2. Identify that enzymes only work under certain conditions (such as pH, substrate concentration and temperature) and will be denature...
  5. mitochondria

    just to break up the tension a bit...

    who's looking forward to study chem or chem related subjects @ uni? and.. umm.. which one?
  6. mitochondria

    it is said that a raw mark of...

    80 will definitely get you into band 4 (<--- can anyone clear this up for me? i know band 4 is the highest band.. but, does it mean you get a HSC mark of above 90?)... so that's 5 questions.. that's what the one of my maths teacher said (extremely reliable.. i'll leave you to think about that :)...
  7. mitochondria

    dodgy or not dodgy?

    mee found this on the CSU thing: Sodium carbonate solution is basic, because the carbonate ion from the weak acid carbonic acid can hydrolyse. CO3(2-) + H2 O ---> HCO3 - + OH- but since HCO3 - is amphiprotic... wouldn't.. Na2 CO3 + H2O ---> H2CO3 + Na2O and the solution...
  8. mitochondria

    a common chem question (apparently)

    I was asking about photochemical smogs @ the beginning but then everything turned out to be referring to a common dot point: assess the evidence which indicates increase in atmospheric concentration of oxides of sulfur and nitrogen it seems that the evidence we have are not sufficient to...
  9. mitochondria

    really dodgy dot points..

    these dot points in "Ideas" are really dodgy... process information to discuss Einstein and Plancks differing views about whether science research is removed from social and political forces and... analyse secondary information on the competition between Westinghouse and Edison to...
  10. mitochondria

    crapped it...

    21 30 76 (in perfentile)
  11. mitochondria

    Many of you suck...

    What? You think this is another ULM (Unnecessary-Lengthy Message) of mine and want to stop reading now due to the fact that my messages always make people constipated (hard to digest)? Well.. can I beg all of you, 2003 HSC candidates: Please read on? May be this is rather ironic compared to...
  12. mitochondria

    Syllabus Note Team

    Hi everyone :) I think many of you might have already read my useful "spams" (as similar messages have appeard in quite a few subjects..) about making syllabus notes together. It took a while to get things organised and it is all set and ready to go now.. However, it would be really good if...
  13. mitochondria

    Advanced Science in 2004?

    lol... after the tragic day of UMAT yesterday I guess my chance of getting into med is.... smaller than a yocto-unit... oh well... I'll try again next year :) if i don't get in, i'll just put my whole life into science again... something that I'll definitely get into :) sooo... Is anyone doing...
  14. mitochondria

    Syllabus-Note Editing Team for Mathematics Extension 2

    Hi everyone :) I was organising my notes the other day and come up with a notion that we could actually work together on the Internet as a syllabus-note editing team. The following is the outline of this project: :o Aim: to make notes for individual 4U topic listed in the syllabus :o...
  15. mitochondria

    Syllabus-Note Editing Team for Mathematics Extension 1

    Hi everyone :) I was organising my notes the other day and come up with a notion that we could actually work together on the Internet as a syllabus-note editing team. The following is the outline of this project: :o Aim: to make notes for all individual 3U topic listed in the syllabus :o...
  16. mitochondria

    Syllabus-Note Editing Team for Mathematics

    Hi everyone :) I was organising my notes the other day and come up with a notion that we could actually work together on the Internet as a syllabus-note editing team. The following is the outline of this project: :o Aim: to make notes for individual 2U topic listed in the syllabus :o...
  17. mitochondria

    Syllabus-Note Editing Team for Physics

    Hi everyone :) I was organising my notes the other day and come up with a notion that we could actually work together on the Internet as a syllabus-note editing team. The following is the outline of this project: :o Aim: to make notes for all every single "dot points" on all compulsory area...
  18. mitochondria

    Syllabus-Note Editing Team for Chemistry

    Hi everyone :) I was organising my notes the other day and come up with a notion that we could actually work together on the Internet as a syllabus-note editing team. The following is the outline of this project: :o Aim: to make notes for all every single "dot points" on all compulsory area...
  19. mitochondria

    Online Syllabus-Note Editing Team for Biology

    Hi everyone :) I was organising my notes the other day and come up with a notion that we could actually work together on the Internet as a syllabus-note editing team. The following is the outline of this project: :o Aim: to make notes for all every single "dot points" on all compulsory area...
  20. mitochondria

    For those of us who are worrying...

    I know many of you are worrying about the fact that crappie Standard English will "pull down" your UAI and I am definitely one of you... Just a moment ago I was browsing the Board of Studies website and see if I can find any information on this matter, but unfortunately, I came across something...