just read it, I liked it, it was similiar to matthew reilly's style with the itallics/emphasis all the time
i wonder if its worth rereading after u find out who the controller is,
it didn;t even oocur to me that it would hav been her/him
it's wierd how this article in no way addresses why the man might have killed himself, instead it just uses it as a segue to blame the new catering service...like wtf.
simple thread,
please explain why he is so often referred to by news readers and news articles, as Geroge W Bush
if i say George Bush or President Bush delcared war on iraq, might u confuse him for his father?
has anyone noticed how funny the word bush is, say it 10 times asking...
did anyone see that on the news 2nite?
before the ice hockey match between us and canada' the 24 yr old chick started singing the anthem, forgot the words half way through and the crowd laughed, then she tried again and forgot the words again, so she walked off...the crowd started...
wat do ya think?
they could have waited and picked him up wen he came into sydney, but they chose to inform authorities in bali and have them arrested there (and hence face the death penalty)...
just wondering
cause the top mark was 98
and i got 96
didn' get on the list though
did everyone on the list get 98's
or where there some 97's too
(or even some 96's maybe?)
i didn't get invited to that breakfast thingo, but my info day letter came with a separate invitation to an afternoon tea with prof. Gavin Brown.
is that the same thing?