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  1. gordo

    PLEASE read this...

    G'day, I just want everyone to PLEASE take the 5 minutes to read this, as after perusing this forum and speaking to friends, a lot of people have been greviously mislead by arafat's facade as a pacifist. It seems I have a motive here, and indeed I guess i do, since i have read how western...
  2. gordo

    plotting the bloody TRAJECTORY of a satellite...

    yeh last time i checked, asking students to plot the trajectory of planets and satellites wasn't in the syllabus
  3. gordo

    A crash course on hsc alignment

    to whomever really cares about this: i will do an example of a class with 5 students for a particular subejct this is how the bos calculate your aligned hsc mark student -- internal mark (sent in by your school) bob --------------- 80% bill ---------------- 75% ben ---------------...
  4. gordo

    wat r the 2 types of fission reactors?

    it has completely slipped my mind wat are the two types of fision reactors is it thermal and something?
  5. gordo

    Day light saving (don't go t your exams late)

    put your clocks forward an hour and don't turn up to your exams at 10:30 by accident :D
  6. gordo

    90 / 120 - please align

    hey i added up wat i got and i know i got 90 / 120 +- 5 can someone, not one of u nerd ppl who though the exam was a piece of cake, give a proper estimate of wat u think that will go to please
  7. gordo

    88/120 for 2002 HSC

    hey i just did the 2002 4u hsc and got 88/120 does anyone know wat that would align to please don;t take wild stabs based on crap, cause some of the paper was quite difficult, especially q8 (i only got 2 / 15) cheers
  8. gordo

    answers for 2002 HSC

    anyone know where i can find them sorry if this is a repeat, but i kinda of need them so i can do the paper today and i don't have time to scour the web, i am doing it atm anyway, but if someone knows that would be fantastc cheers
  9. gordo

    2000 hsc

    i just was browsing through it doing some of the questions some of the ones like the circular motion one about q5 were pretty hard
  10. gordo

    not shaving for the exam period

    anyone not shaving for the whole exam period, for goodluck. if you arn;t post up your pic at the end of the hsc. oh this realtes to guys btw ;) i guess chicks could participate to? :confused:
  11. gordo

    IMPORTANT advice for hsc

    guys just a hint of advice after you have done an exam, don't discuss it with people. I know it is very tempting, but remember you want to be in a good frame of mind to keep studying for more exams. If you discuss it, you inevitably find things in retrospect that you regret. So my advice...
  12. gordo

    text 1 - shadows/sun

    did anyone mention how the inconsistensies in the shadows meant the sun could not physically/logically be anywhere in the sky i said this represented the journey as paved by nurture not nature did anyone else mentioned this?? none of my friends did and i want to know if i am the only one in...
  13. gordo

    at zero degrees celsius...

    does water freeze, or ice melts? i.e if u left an ice cube in 0 degrees and a pool of water in 0 degrees wat would happen
  14. gordo

    Alien V Predator

    has anyone seen it? i thought it was bloody cool i was brought up on alien and predator movies the killer instinct verse the tecnological hunters GO PREDATORR
  15. gordo

    write on every second line?

    does anyone here write on every second line. It makes it easier for them to read, and also if u want to go back and correct something or add a bit in u have much mroe room? anyone? or thoughts
  16. gordo

    perfume by patrick suskind

    i doubt many have read it but who has? i thought it was fantastic, i am using it for imaginative journeys eng adv its basically the story of this guy whois sense of smeel outwieghs his other 4 sense hugely. For example he can just cook food in the middle of the night because he can smell...
  17. gordo


    i am just wondering the course and everything sounds great, and i have applied but what does a mechatronic engineer do everyday? like describe a day in the life of a mechatronic engineer or something deskwork? computer work? hands on?
  18. gordo

    practise answer for Q1

    Could someone please attach or PM a practise answer for Q1 that was good. for our pretrial i got 20 and for the trial i got 18 i just can't seem to master it don;t worry about the source or anything, i just want to see a coherent structure. I am ranked 1 cause of the project and I...
  19. gordo

    those who have had their interviews

    i had my interview on monday, pretty scary, it went for an hour and 15 minutes, crazy. did any of you get asked wierd stuff or have wierd things happen, in the middle of mine, all the lights went out, i think they were playing nasty tricks to try get me to lose concentration anyways...
  20. gordo

    muck up day photos

    got any? my mate emailed me this one, its of a couple of us year 12's who came in skirts. i'm the one with the white shirt on and the failed mohawk