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  1. quarkfire

    advice for incoming Yr 12

    don't wait until the day before assessments/exams to study! work consistently.. it'll pay off in the end.
  2. quarkfire

    hours for studying?

    7-8 should be enough. only do 12 when it's the day before your exam lol :D
  3. quarkfire

    'nuther prediction

    is there any chance of getting 90+? Say if I do exceedingly well in the hsc exams? I'd be happy with 80 but with at least 90 the options are way increased. thanks :)
  4. quarkfire

    Wagging school?

    we're STILL finishing off our courses so we have to go :( I'll probably jig the last week though.
  5. quarkfire

    hey, just wondering is 100 possible?

    so the subjects you do have no effect?
  6. quarkfire

    'nuther prediction

    here are my overall ranks for the year: standard english: 13/117 maths 2u: 14/49 economics: 11/19 business: 16/58 physics: 11/36 chemistry: 9/19 I go to an average public school. What kind of uai am I looking at? Please, be honest.. I can take it :( EDIT: sorry, here are my marks...
  7. quarkfire

    Hit me now... Worst Marks You Have Had!

    3% for a science test in year10 hahaha
  8. quarkfire


    what's the highest aggregate you can get?
  9. quarkfire

    Help!!!!! Going Crazy!!!!

    yes, but what about if you didn't do math in year 11, could you do it in year 12 then if you repeat? I'm thinking about repeating as my ranks are really shit this year so I will another question: didn't you miss out on the first term of year 12 when you repeated?? If so, didn't you like miss...
  10. quarkfire

    Help!!!!! Going Crazy!!!!

    but woudn't you get the same subjects that you did in year 11? that's what i thought?
  11. quarkfire

    Estimation Please!

    wow awesome marks!!!
  12. quarkfire

    TRIALS- how did u go?

    I fucked everything up :( english I didn't even pass....
  13. quarkfire

    HOW to predict a UAI

    how you predict it :cool:
  14. quarkfire

    speech for dux..need help!!!

    be honest! don't go on bullshitting how wonderful the school is, blah blah blah.. no one wants to hear that and besides, it sounds fake. This is *your* moment to shine - be original! tell them how you really feel, but don't go making it sound extremely formal otherwise people will tune out. keep...
  15. quarkfire

    another prediction

    hehe I was wondering that too..
  16. quarkfire


    my parents don't say anything but in a way that's worse because when I ain't getting 100% they are so disappointed. anger I can handle, arguments end quickly you know? but disappoint -now that hurts :(
  17. quarkfire

    Overall Skool Ranks!

    1st in everything? damn you oversmart people!! :D I probably came average in everything, or slightly above average if I'm lucky :)
  18. quarkfire

    CRAMMING... does it work for the REAL hsc?

    don't cram. you'll be kicking yourself when you get your marks back and they were -most likely- less than what you expected :/