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  1. quarkfire

    Prediction based on 2003 Results please

    I think it could happen :) maybe.
  2. quarkfire

    UAI Prediction

    low 70's and that's a complete guess :)
  3. quarkfire


    okay thanks :) I'd be happy with anything over 80 actually.
  4. quarkfire


    Business Studies 2 84/100 81/100 83 5 Chemistry 2 71/100 67/100 69 3 Economics 2 73/100 71/100 72 4 English (Standard) 2 81/100 78/100 80 5 Mathematics 2 76/100 76/100 76 4 Physics 2 82/100 74/100 78 4 is there ANY chance of 85? thanks
  5. quarkfire

    will get 90+?

    huy I know how you feel, I wasn't going to check my results either but after much thought I finally did it. Well, I'm glad I did :) The results weren't great, but much better than what I expected. I'm sure you'll feel the same if you check yours!
  6. quarkfire

    2003 HSC Marks

    Business Studies 2 84/100 81/100 83 5 Chemistry 2 71/100 67/100 69 3 Economics 2 73/100 71/100 72 4 English (Standard) 2 81/100 78/100 80 5 Mathematics 2 76/100 76/100 76 4 Physics 2 82/100 74/100 78 4 I can't believe I got 80 in std english!!!!!!!!!! wow! I was...
  7. quarkfire


    I have a speech in a coupla days on 'imaginative journeys' based on a movie (I chose 'contact'). I'm really really nervous about this cause I REALLY need a good mark-it's worth 20%. My question: do you have any tips for speeches? Like how to stand and stuff? This is tooooo important to stuff up :(
  8. quarkfire

    .... essential for ne hsc student....

    hahaha that's a laugh :D
  9. quarkfire

    Wtf Was That?!? Rage In Here!!!

    bloody hell that was hard!!!! After about q5 I went completely shit, missed pretty much half the paper or done it wrong. I'm gonna fail no doubt. grrr!
  10. quarkfire

    Band 6 in Standard

    I think there will be too, because the paper was so easy. it wouldn't take much for a least a couple of people to get in the 90's. why does standard get scaled down so much compared to advanced? I mean, if people can get awesome marks in advanced, which I'm assuming is more difficult, surely...
  11. quarkfire

    The Official Module C - Texts and Society (Section III) Thread

    this question was better than expected! I thought it was relatively easy.
  12. quarkfire

    Ummm does the date matter?

    I don't think so, as long as everything else was alright.. I could be wrong tho. imagine your hsc exam being classified as non attempt because you wrote the wrong date, lol
  13. quarkfire

    Any annoyances during the exam ?

    there were primary school kids playing sport near our exam hall, which pissed me off :(
  14. quarkfire

    How much did you write?

    sec 1: booklet sec 2: booklet + 2 pages sec 3: booklet my handwriting is pretty spaced out though.
  15. quarkfire

    who ran out of time? or just had enough?

    I hear ya crazy, sec 2 was my absolute worst too. My mind went blank, I just sat there for a full minute thinking what the fuck I was going to write. I don't even expect to pass that section... the others were okay tho, but I ran out of time on the last question in section 1.
  16. quarkfire

    1 Hour to go

    40 mins to go now (it's 8:40) shit I better get off lol good luck everyone!
  17. quarkfire

    stayin away....

    I knew a girl who a couple of years ago completed her hsc with exactly 90 days off (she showed me her report) and that's way more than the max of 40...
  18. quarkfire

    What do you regret?

    don't bludge