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  1. choc-chip

    got a fetish?

    Eurasian looking myself in the mirror
  2. choc-chip

    Most Beautiful Women

    Scarlett Johansson looks like one of my leb frd. Jessica Alba is so not hot my gosh!she looks filthy Siena Miller n ziyi zhang R both elegent & good looking.
  3. choc-chip

    im not sure what to do now??

    I dislike the fact that 90% ppl here "loves" to use the word "love". Some of you are just too young to know what "LOVE" is. Enjoy ur teen life when you still can, you don't need anyone else to make you into a real person.
  4. choc-chip

    How should Bfs response to the tough questions by their GFs?

    Do you guys think that young adults who come from a non co-edu school tend to be more self-consious abt their body imgae over the others who aren't ??
  5. choc-chip

    How should Bfs response to the tough questions by their GFs?

    It doesn't make anys sense to me when he told me he thought Jennifer love Hewitt was hot back in year 7.
  6. choc-chip

    What does "You're a Nice Guy" Actually Mean?

    "pricky thing" only works for girls who are under 17 I supposed....LMAO A good sense of humour would be more effective than "pricky"...(Oh, crap!I forgot that u guys are pretty much around 17..).
  7. choc-chip

    What does "You're a Nice Guy" Actually Mean?

    I guess no one likes been treated nastily. this girl is either too young for commitment or she just not that into you. Let's assume that you are a nice and easy going personality. however, you need to realised there are way more stuffs that girls look for in a relationship other than desiring to...
  8. choc-chip

    How should Bfs response to the tough questions by their GFs?

    sorry i was thinking if there's anything relate ur nick to ur theory..keke...
  9. choc-chip

    How should Bfs response to the tough questions by their GFs?

    Ohkkk....datz how ur nick comes from... facial masturbation? that's wrong...sad to tell you it wasn't an erotic pic, it was just a blonde with nice grin! god damn it!I'm not blonde, i can't damn change my hair to be a blonde...﹗﹗﹗
  10. choc-chip

    How should Bfs response to the tough questions by their GFs?

    Mmmmm....feeling so much more relief after hearing that ..thanx guys
  11. choc-chip

    What's Cheating?

    Howis the percentage for people who have ever cheated and promised not to cheat again, and yet still cheated after that?
  12. choc-chip

    How should Bfs response to the tough questions by their GFs?

    what if there's a pure face in the pic?? a nice smiling face of someone... A FACE only.. Thanx for your comment and patient withoutaface.
  13. choc-chip

    How should Bfs response to the tough questions by their GFs?

    I found out some pictures of chicks in his laptop with even BIGGER titts like Elisha Cutherbert..(there's no point to talk abt jenna jemeson here)
  14. choc-chip

    How should Bfs response to the tough questions by their GFs?

    urhm...sorry there...I mean Iambored is a very. sensitive person.
  15. choc-chip

    How should Bfs response to the tough questions by their GFs?

    see, men overthink too..u r a sensitive person, wondering what sortta occupation/preofession/area of study as ur background.
  16. choc-chip

    How should Bfs response to the tough questions by their GFs?

    You always have the best point in any thread here.. I tried to divert my attention to checking out hot guys but it just doesn't work.. One of my guy friend doubt if I'm lesbian..Hehe..
  17. choc-chip

    How should Bfs response to the tough questions by their GFs?

    Good point there But i guess young kids are born to be superficial...It gets better when they grow older