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  1. choc-chip

    Warning for ppl who wants to watch "white noise"!!

    It's obsulotely a boring movie with no climax, no interesting scene and no sense ...I stopped watching in the half way..Save your 13 bucks please
  2. choc-chip

    The Shittest Movie Ever.

    Constantine The grudge
  3. choc-chip

    Movie: Hide and Seek (SPOILERS)

    why do ppl think hide and seek is crap??!!! I was pleasantly surprised of the movie over all.The movie was well-crafted and suspenseful with incredible performances from the cast. The ending was mildly disappointing (since i guess the murderer was the girl herself) , but unlike other movies...
  4. choc-chip

    The Shittest Movie Ever.

    how dare u said that!!!??!!!!!! Hide and seek is marvellous!!!!!!!!
  5. choc-chip

    should ethanasia be legalised or not?

    Advocates of voluntary euthanasia contend that if a person is (a) suffering from a terminal illness; (b) unlikely to benefit from the discovery of a cure(Court-appointed doctors ruled she was in a persistent vegetative state, with no real consciousness or chance of recovery.) (c) as a...
  6. choc-chip

    should ethanasia be legalised or not?

    How can we approve whether that's Terri Schiavo's wish when she had left no written instructions about what action she wanted taken if she became disabled.
  7. choc-chip

    should ethanasia be legalised or not?

    Should Terri Schiavo have die? The Terri Schiavo saga in Florida, where a patient in a vegetative state has recently die 13days after the feeding tube been disconnected,and 15 years after the tube was first connected. Husband Michael Schiavo claims his wife would not have wanted to live in...
  8. choc-chip


    I've been sitting @ lecture in UNSW for some reasons, came to realisation that the students are quite passaive in responding questions. Lacking of communication skills would be nicer term of "socially retarded".
  9. choc-chip

    what sort of chicks/guys do u HATE the MOST??

    *nod* hypocrites are just lame
  10. choc-chip

    what sort of chicks/guys do u HATE the MOST??

    why has polite been soo wrong in nowadays?
  11. choc-chip

    Working in a pub

    this sounds mad omg! but guessing my parents would never let me work in there.
  12. choc-chip

    Being in LOVE

    We r not having e-sex excuse me! Why is everyone relating sex with love?
  13. choc-chip

    Being in LOVE

    Thanx for the blessing guys.
  14. choc-chip

    Being in LOVE

    Being in love is just great, "everything is okay" you told me how to find the way, promised me to fill my day needless to say having you is the my blessedness aye bet isn't a game play wish i could be with u all the way.
  15. choc-chip

    Why do single chicks find guys in relationships appealing?

    stealing bfs of others provides single chicks self-satisfaction on "winning".
  16. choc-chip

    Being in LOVE

    I used to believe this statement untill.... What's love look like? It is to be all made of sighs and tears. It is to be all made of fantasy, All made of passion, and all made of wishes, all adoration, duty and observance, all humbleness, all patient, and impatient, all purity, all...
  17. choc-chip

    wat do I do?

    Just wondering how do the "hot looks" look like?
  18. choc-chip

    second-hand book shops?

    I know there's one in Ashefield, somewhere not quite sure ...
  19. choc-chip

    Chinese Background Speakers

    Okay... Refers to the topic, I've got my say here. To those of you who wish or going to do Chinese background for your hsc, I'd advice you to commence with a well thought indeed. Bloody Chinese dragged down my UAI and considered as ruined my whole life! I should not have do it!!!!! Bah!!!!
  20. choc-chip


    I know that wasn't meant to be rude, and u you aren't rude at all.. Well, considering accounting would be my first choice next year.