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  1. choc-chip

    How should Bfs response to the tough questions by their GFs?

    As an Asian, I suprisingly have big boobs 34D/27/36 and butt.. However, i wasn't thinking towrad a negative way untill I found out so many pron and hot chicks pictures on his laptop!!!!!! I know men are just natural born horny creature, but i still can't get over the fact that he still...
  2. choc-chip

    How should Bfs response to the tough questions by their GFs?

    Our female ego got ruined? This is a controversial since female is been known as the most dangous matter to deal with. Guys always try to hide their honest feeling when confronting with the peace. I'm personally a female 165CM/57KG/SIZE 10who is kinda over conscious about my body image. I...
  3. choc-chip


    "once trust has been lost, it can never fully be regained". However, it's very encouraging that you at least had the attampt to tell her the truth. tell her how impratant she is for u, or u wouldn't have told her the truth. I guess it takes a bit of time for her to believe u again if she finds...
  4. choc-chip

    Porn & Relationships

    do u guys think it's wrong to restrict him/her from watching porn? I once said to him that I don't like it n he imediately SAID that he will stop doing it.. I don't think that's what I want since I dun wanna be too restricted towards him
  5. choc-chip

    Porn & Relationships

    what if he tends to release himself with pornoes instead of sex with u?
  6. choc-chip

    Porn & Relationships

    pornoes r alright....since I understand men are just horny creature hot chicks photoes a big no..I would feel insulting if he fatasies girls which proper clothes on..... he interested at looking at photoes of a hot chicks with purely a face on it
  7. choc-chip

    What's Cheating?

    icey, my recommendation is DUMP HER!!!!!
  8. choc-chip

    What's Cheating?

    yes, i agree...Being drunk isn't an excuse for cheating since human tend to show the ture side of themselves when they drunk. so anyone who has this intention to flirt with someone else when they drunk, this person must've not happy with their current bf/gf.
  9. choc-chip

    What's Cheating?

    what if the guy was simply asked the girl out n sweet talks?? i reckon that's even worse since it's spiritally off the track. As what u guys said, physically cheating on ur gf/bf is bad, however i reckon some guy did that for the need of it.. overall, they both bad for sure...NONE of us should...
  10. choc-chip

    B Design @ COFA

    Thanks for reply, however how's the difference between B design-graphic media and B digital media then? How's the percentage of chicks and guys? Say if i wanna become a web designer/ developer or a commercial advertisement designer, which one is more suitable? Thanx
  11. choc-chip

    personal statement! for non-current school leavers???!!

    shit man, I'm considering to apply for B design in visual communication i'm a non-current school leaver and I didn't upload my personal staement until today the 3rd!!! and the worse thing is that i didn't even write it down as one of my preferences! !Is there still a chance if i can get in?!
  12. choc-chip

    B Design @ COFA

    whats digital media like? what's the different btween B digital media and B design, I'm actually tossing and turning btw those digital media involved a lot more computing languages?
  13. choc-chip

    Cure for a broken heart

    According to Dennie Hughes, we normally go through four stages of ex-expiration denial-you don;t want to believe it's over depression-yeah like i've got to explain that one and that Haagen-Dazs container Anger- being mad that he broke up with you...or that you ever cared Accpetance-what...
  14. choc-chip

    what sort of chicks/guys do u HATE the MOST??

    new thoughts ppl who flirts around cheat on their bfs/gfs liars hypricotes drag on their gfs/bfs while they are not sure if he/her still loves them or love some1 else sweetwords tellers 24/7 braggers
  15. choc-chip

    What do men want??!!

    flirt around be able to have chicks by their sides whenever they NEEDED Not having chicks to bother them when they don't feel like any Hiding SECRET from their girlfriends money(to be able to have more chick) as some1 says bigger penis and more sex dominant in any sorts nice cars cheat...
  16. choc-chip

    who wants to change their relationship status?

    jumping out of the square There's a popular commercial ad in England, Married In a relationship domestic partner Single (tick)Independent Any1 see the point?
  17. choc-chip

    who wants to change their relationship status?

    Glad to know most ppl are happy with their current status. Most importantly, I reckon people should really do in this way. No1 knows what is going to happen in the future. in conclusion, enjoy our lives!!!!!
  18. choc-chip

    should ethanasia be legalised or not?

    Terri was in a "persistent vagetative status" which means she's obviously physically incapable. "This death was not for the siblings, and not for the spouse and not for the parents. This was for Terri."Mr Schiavo's attorney says. "Mr. Schiavo's overriding concern here was to provide for Terri...
  19. choc-chip

    should ethanasia be legalised or not?

    This case can be referred to non-voluntary euthanasia , that is instances of euthanasia where a person is either not competent to or unable to, express a wish about euthanasia, and there is no one authoritised to make a judgement.
  20. choc-chip

    should ethanasia be legalised or not?

    claps!sounds like what i wanna hear! well done, elisabeth! I want more opinion based on this incident...stick to the event please.......