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  1. doggogo8

    Favourite Male Actors

    george clooney josh harnett ewin mcgregor
  2. doggogo8

    hardwork vs. natural ability

    natural ability......hahahahaha
  3. doggogo8

    One Nation racist

    just a stupid bitch! her policies dont even make any fucking sense....especially when it comes to the national economy...she's a greenhorn.....a very bitchy one
  4. doggogo8

    Change my nickname

    theres nothig wrong with there?
  5. doggogo8

    In need of a tutor

    thnks ppl!glad tht ull replied to my thread, showed tht u cared
  6. doggogo8

    TAIWAN INDEPENDENCE: Unites States & China....?

    go to this site if any of you have doubts on what i say:
  7. doggogo8

    TAIWAN INDEPENDENCE: Unites States & China....?

    UR totally right! thumbs up
  8. doggogo8

    TAIWAN INDEPENDENCE: Unites States & China....?

    Chinese boarders have been split before,OK. Remeber when the Mongolians took over China?! Remeber the 宋 dynasty? There is a bunch a facts I can prove. PLEASE , I BEG U,PLEASE,check out the internet before you make wrong comments, you are leading everyone in the wrong direction!!!!! EXCUSE ME...
  9. doggogo8

    TAIWAN INDEPENDENCE: Unites States & China....?

    Yeah, take a look back at history. Taiwan was once part of China during World War 2, ruled under the KMT, a party. It was not until, the Communist party started to attack the KMT, at that time those communist were considered as rebels. After the PRC finally won the war with KMT, the KMT fled...
  10. doggogo8


    HEY HEY, i'm not that bad am i :mad:
  11. doggogo8

    TAIWAN INDEPENDENCE: Unites States & China....?

    OH NO WHY DO I HAVE TO ANSWER A IDOITS QUESTIONS THESE DAYS, first of all BERRY 580, stick ur head into the toilet and lick it till ur brain is not askew, DON'T U DARE TO EVEN CALL SOMEBODY THAT, FUCK OF THIS FORUM IF U DO ,JERK!!!!!! SECOND ,U SAY honkies are worse, FUCK OFF AGAIN FROM THIS...
  12. doggogo8

    TAIWAN INDEPENDENCE: Unites States & China....?

    Oh sorry, i'd had to insult him to cause he insulted u , couldn't stand these people now ,trying to act smart and pushing people around , yeah don't try and scold at this member ,look at his reputation rate!
  13. doggogo8

    TAIWAN INDEPENDENCE: Unites States & China....?

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...... what a STUPID BUNCH OF SHIT U HAVE HERE. ur statistics on that S.Korea has the highest amount of prostitues, FUCK IT, show it to us ,come'on don't just stand here all day, telling us bullshit , com'on show me the figures. Let me tell u this , GENIUS, Hong Kong's...
  14. doggogo8

    TAIWAN INDEPENDENCE: Unites States & China....?

    "Also, do you know why HK's economy has been so good in the past? " what a lie, don'tt try to keep a straight face and lie, prove ur statistics, AND i don't ones that come from China or Hong Kong, both are controlled by leaders that lie. (the SARS was a perfect example) OKOK, now about the...
  15. doggogo8

    TAIWAN INDEPENDENCE: Unites States & China....?

    No mate i am no WMD search dude, so shoot me :p Your serious huh, I don't think u really understand the history, go back to primary and do it again. Now, Taiwan declaring independence, will cause some fuuking war, caused by , let's call him the jerk china, yep it is too risky, i won't want to...
  16. doggogo8

    Best Economics Textbook

    I was just wondering ,that does anyone here have a idea where to buy cheap or secondhand economic books ? OR are there any threads on this . thanx >"<
  17. doggogo8

    TAIWAN INDEPENDENCE: Unites States & China....?

    hmm... i wonder why u say so..... u are saying that taiwan is a province here. IMMMMMMPOSSIBLE.
  18. doggogo8

    TAIWAN INDEPENDENCE: Unites States & China....?

    yep, it is tooooooo true, scary if taiwan becomes like that.......
  19. doggogo8

    TAIWAN INDEPENDENCE: Unites States & China....?

    UH, stop the bullshiting of ur longlonglonglong essay's , ur comment is too damned objective, FED UP WITH what u reply to those who say against U. Using superpower and all those, for the people from China i would be curious , how many in this world want China to invade Taiwan YEAH THE BIG...