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  1. doggogo8

    TAIWAN INDEPENDENCE: Unites States & China....?

    BOY, it is not OUR country, or if so than i don't see a reason why china, britan, america ,etc. SHOULD DECLARE INDEPENDENCE FROM AFRICA, we all have some bloods that come from AFRICA.
  2. doggogo8

    TAIWAN INDEPENDENCE: Unites States & China....?

    For god's sake, why the FUCK can't u shut up ur mouth (u keep using fuck) Ur fact thet 99% of the people in Taiwanese don't want to go to independence is VERY VERY interesting. >"< WOW i've never heard of such a statisics before. OH and some guy said that "...destroy our motherland...." and...
  3. doggogo8


    How does it work? An d can evry school do so?
  4. doggogo8


    why? :!? is english that tough
  5. doggogo8

    TAIWAN INDEPENDENCE: Unites States & China....?

    ha,thanks a lot for explaining, ur concept ROCKS , i LOVE IT!!!!
  6. doggogo8

    TAIWAN INDEPENDENCE: Unites States & China....?

    Hey, dude,chill, WAIT a sec, why did u use the sentence "They do NOT have the right to destroy OUR country by splitting it in two." First of all, Taiwan doesn't belong to China (unless u are assuming being too extreme) , so HOW IN THE HELL CAN THEY destroy OUR country? second, we are not...
  7. doggogo8

    TAIWAN INDEPENDENCE: Unites States & China....?

    It is not a province ,don't be so straight!
  8. doggogo8


    I was wondering how do you acclerate in one subject? Anyone has any idea, and if the school doesn't allow it (due to trouble with the timetable), what should i do? Oh, anyone here has experience or wether this has been post before please tell me, thanks.
  9. doggogo8

    TAIWAN INDEPENDENCE: Unites States & China....?

    Oh, and did i mention China continually bulling Taiwan, check it out, it isn't really anything to be proud of. For such a country,taiwan , where the people work so hard , the people have so high hopes, and here is china , making taiwan BAD BAD BAD, saying they are TRAITORS, and than all the...
  10. doggogo8

    TAIWAN INDEPENDENCE: Unites States & China....?

    ur comment is really not quite good! >"< u haven't got any sufficient evidence to claim a few things, check out ur history book before u make up ur mind that, "taiwan is def a part of china, its ridiculous that it isnt, its like tasmania wanting independance. " really i'm not offending u but...
  11. doggogo8

    America Haters Unite!!

    Ah, i like that piece of information , SARCASM, but if u really blame who, u shouldn't lame the american people as an whole , u should blame the BUSH administration and the GENIUS that voted for bush, all his cry of "WEOPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION" and "AXIS OF EVIL" that is a bible-beater...
  12. doggogo8

    News, Current Affairs & Politics Posting Guidelines - Considerations

    HAHA :p no when u are with them that wouldn't be fun...... O.o
  13. doggogo8

    East Asian Earthquake

    Thanks a lot. Let's all pray that the number of dead will not rise. Let's hope it never happens to another country again. >"<
  14. doggogo8

    East Asian Earthquake

    Oh boy, insulting other countreis is not what I would expect... Hello... this is a disaster and all ur talking about is politics here!!!!! And u should GET SOME SENSE OUT OF UR HEAD to start with, before u say taiwan has donated not much of a money go and check out the figures. (ur comment is...
  15. doggogo8

    East Asian Earthquake

    people die anyways........ politicians are politicians they don't give a shit to who's dying who's suffering, all they care is about them, themselves, how in the hell will they get elected next time, how powerful they are,how are they goin to get money etc. We , only we are those middle-class...
  16. doggogo8

    East Asian Earthquake

    totally right ,dude hey, that was totally what my notion is. someday ,we'll see that the u.s is no superpower and we'll be askin some ,oh well don't get offended, communist china for help. GREAT HUH? >"<
  17. doggogo8

    If you've lost your virginity, at what age?

    Cool, sex manic !!!? HOW???? :p
  18. doggogo8

    East Asian Earthquake

    Such a scary earthquake , i hope it doesn't happen in taiwan or japan. The economy will crumble down!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, will it happen in Sydney , that'll be horrible...........
  19. doggogo8


    Hey guys, just curious , anybody do HSC cosmology at Charles Sturt University here? >< hm.......... seems quite fun AND hard!!!!!!!!!!
  20. doggogo8

    ANU law?

    is it? i've heard it is!!!!!!!!!! :P