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  1. doggogo8

    what chinese dialect do you speak?

    er..... mando, taiwanese, canto(i suck at this just learned) : p
  2. doggogo8

    Those law threads...

    ? Anu What about ANU and Macquarie ? They too seem to have a good concept on law!! Though the UAI score is er...... no comment. >_<
  3. doggogo8

    Those law threads...

    i think both make not much as a difference >< . but still check out the threads!!!! i might be wrong :p
  4. doggogo8

    ipod - worth it?

    yeah! >< Totall waste, usually u won't even have about 10 gig of songs u like!!!! What about 40 GIG'S!!!!!!!!!! A cell with a function that has storage for music and photo and phon numbers , etc. are muuuuuuuuch better!!! Hey, but 64 for a MP3 is tooooo less only 15 songs!! get a 512 or...
  5. doggogo8

    Transferring schools

    er...... i'm in yr 9 next yr though, i'm not yet in yr 12. so......don't know if i have a better chance or not?!
  6. doggogo8

    ANU law?

    I am fairly interested in doing law at ANU with a combined degree 137445 Acturial studies/Laws , but somehow the UAI score is 95 which is quite low. Does it effect my ability to practice law in the future and will it be a setback if i want to be hired? Also ,why does Macquarie has a...
  7. doggogo8

    Transferring schools

    I want to transfer from my public school to a selective school. Does anybody havvee an idea how i could have a better chance of entering?OR What certificates i have to get? P.S: Does going to a selective school have a higher mark in the UAI?