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  1. L

    Equations Reducible to Quadratics

    How to solve this question using subsitution: \sqrt(5+x) + \sqrt(x) = 5 Thanks
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    Maxima And Minima

    6. The cost per hour of running a pleasure cruiser is $(V^2/40 + 10) a) For a trip of D nautical miles show that the running cost is $(D/V(V^2/40 + 10)) b) What is the most economical speed for running the cruiser on this trip. Answer: 20 I have no idea. Help?
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    Biology HSC - Style of Answering

    My Biology teacher, who is a past marker, has constantly told us that answering in both Biology and Chemistry requires dot points. She outlines that dot points are more methodical, and easier to give marks to, and I can witness the benefits of this method of answering. However my question is...
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    Can I just ask, what are the asymptotes of x/x^2+1. Im not sure if there is one, especially as x>infin Thxs
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    Find the value of K that will make equation perfect square. (3k-2)x^2 - 8x + (9k+7) Solving discriminate = 0 will give k=1 or -10/9 I just want to know, why -10/9 is discounted (as stated in the answer) and which step discount it?
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    Could some1 just explain to me when does a limit not exist? And how to prove it. I.e. lim *x>0* 1/x In the book it says that as x>1 without restrictions from either below or above, lim f(x) does not exist.
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    Intercept Proofs

    1. D,E and F are the mid-points of AB, BC, and CA respectively. Prove that **a) FG=GD **b)AG=GE 2.) PQRS is a trapezium with PQ // SR. If A, B and C are the mid-points of SP, PR and QR respectively prove that a)AB//SR b)BC//PQ **c) the points A, B and C are collinear. 5) PQRS is a trapezium...
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    Math Comp Qs

    This Question I dont get from 2008: How many different positive numbers are equal to the product of two odd one-digit numbers? Its supposedly to be done using algebra, so can any1 pleasese enlighten me? Working out and explanation are very beneficial.
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    Trigonometric Proofs

    prove: \frac{1+cosec^2Atan^2c}{1+cosec^2Btan^2c}=\frac{(1+cot^2Asin^2C)}{(1+cot^2Bsin^2C)}
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    Rudd delays carbon trading scheme for one year

    Australia has postponed its carbon trading scheme inorder to cushion the effects of the global financial crsis. Do you Agree?
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    Queries with Functions

    If f(x) = ax^2 + bx + c , find a,b,c so that f(1)=0, f(-1) = 0, f(-2) = 15 Ive got a=5, b=0, and c=-5. The answers were different tho, yet still right. a=2, b=-3 and c=1. Im interested in why thats the case, and would HSC present such a question?
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    Trig Ratios

    How do you find tan105 as a exact value? Please some1 tell me.
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    Quadratic Equation Help

    This is tearing my brains out: ((-p-12)/6)^2 + 4((-p-12)/6) + 4 = 0 Dont solve by sub for ((-p-12)/6)=u Please solve by expanding and post working out. Did any1 get p^2-120=0 when expanded?
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    Electro Chemistry

    Can any1 please help me with this redox equn: An acidified solution of dichromate ions is reduced to chromium (III) ions by sulfur dioxide, which in turn is oxidised to sulfate ions. If any1 could post the Redox half equn + the oxidation half equn and mabey the total equn it would really...
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    Refund policy

    Sorry, dont know which thread to put on. But if you buy cloth from say like target, and you would like to return it. What reasons do u give, if you need to give one at all? Cause i brought some jeans and its too big on me, and i would love to swap for something else. Any1 got any ideas?
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    1 Yr Accleration?

    Seeminly my school has decided to do the whole 2unit course this for yr 11. Suppose that our class gets enough hours (120) and complete all major assessments on time, would it be possible if we complete the HSC external 2 unit math this yr? as it is our first yr?
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    Trig Identities

    Help with this Q plz. Prove: sin^2a . cos^2b - cos^2a . sin^2b = sin^2a + sin^2b
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    Answering Qs in Biology

    When you answer questions in science related subjects, my teacher has told me to use dot points, as it is the most effiecent and beneficial. I am wondering if thats the case, and is that how you answer your questions?
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    Population Vs Abundance

    What is the difference between population of a specises in a ecosystem and the abundance of a species?
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    Trigonometric Identities

    In 2 Unit HSC mathematics when proving trig identities. Do we ONLY prove one side to make it the same as the other. Or do we prove booth sides to a certain form? Are there some questions in 2 UNIT math that require proving booth sides? and also just as example how would you do this...