My teacher says that for a AOS, any related text can be used to study. This includes posters, pictures, etc...
What about religious texts ie the bible, or perhaps the koran... If belonging theme does exist, are we be able to use them??
When compounds are seperated i.e. combustion the bonds holding the atoms comprising the compound are broken. This realeases energy.
Where does this energy comes from. I.e. if ionic bonding is broken, how does electrostatic forces convert into heat energy? Or have i gotten the concept wrong...
Can some1 please exaplin to me why ethylene is reactive.
1.I know that its due to its double bone, and correct me if im wrong, one is weak and the other is strong,
2.That it also has high electron density at double bond.
Can some1 explain please? It would be a great help.
I just wanted to know how many versions of Fitzpatrick 2 Unit, they've printed. I know there are a few reprints but dont know the exact time. I am also wondering, if very old Fitzpatrick still cover modern day syllabus?
Also, is all New Senior Mathematics, 2Unit Fitpatrick covered in Yellow...
From Cambridge:
Consider the equN 12x^2-4xy+11y^2=64 & 16x^2-9xy+11y^2=78
a) By letting y=mx show that 7m^2+12m-4=0
b) Hence solve the two equations simultaneously
Any help would be great on booth a and b, since i couldnt get any.
EDIT: Opps sorry changed
please help
Ive found a first hand computer that have the following specs for $999.
*AMD 5000+ Dual Core 2.6Ghz
*22'' Acer LCD monitor
*4GB Ram
*500 GB HDD
*20XDual Layer DVD Burner
*Logitech 250 Keyboard+Mouse
*Windows XP/Vista
*Nero StartSmart Essentials Burning Software
*Anti-Virus AVG...
I was just doing a few Qs from Cambridge, Chapter 1 and i found this question, which really bothered me for a while.
After a few hours slaving away at this question, i finally got it. But it required knowing the identity of
x^4+a^2.x^2+b^2 = (x^2-2x+4)(x^2+2x+4)
Because i havent...
I was accepted into a selective school that ranked around 18-35. Now i have a dilema to whethere to go to that school or stay at my public school. Basically theres a few advantages with staying, and few advantages with going. What would you guys do?
Public School:
*Better teachers, apparently...
For med undergraduates and med student wannabes here, what subjects did you do/or are doing now??
I know the only pre-requisite is chemistry, and english standard is advocated but what did you guys do?
How well does PDHPE scale in NSW??? Where can i find out?? I know it probly dosent scale as well as Biology but am i still able to get 100 UAI if i do PDHPE? (Just wondering, no way serious)
I gota question on polynomials which i am stuck on.
A box is to have a square base and a height that is 10 cm longer than the length of the base. If the volume of the box is to be 2000cm^3, find the dimensions of the box.
So far ive got:
this is where i...