*Crosses fingers for another ford v holden thread*
I was just looking at the courses for next year and my course is gone for new students!
I assume there is no B Eco or B Bus economics major's with law anymore?
This thread is for discussions about whether love exists.
If love exists, what is love?
How do you prove love exists?
Can you feel love?
How do you feel love?
How do you know it's love?
How do you quantify love?
Is love merely a biological bonding driven by the urge to 'survive' or is...
I remember when petrol hitting 70cents was the biggest rip off to man...
If wholesale prices have gone down why is it increasing:confused:
I'm bored...and I go to UWS...story of my life:lol:
A message from Melsc:
Please do not make this into a 'is UWS a crap uni' thread, if you feel you need to justify your choice for staying/not staying at UWS to people who don't even really know you its just childish. I will have enough...
My friend wants to transfer from B Bus/B Laws @ UWS to next semester straight B Bus at UTS.
She wants to know - if she starts B Business at UTS what happens if she wants to pick up the Law again in the future? (Not graduate law)
Umm...I hope they don't spend too much money in it and hire young people so that they actually get to some real answer, quickly.
Transvestite and troll in the same sentence humor me...
I need to access journals through the e-resources site which links to a catalogue entry and then to the website but I can't get on the catalogue because the library catalogue is not WTF HOW THE FUCK AM I MEANT TO RESEARCH? GO TO A CLOSED LIBRARY AND READ THE JOURNALS BY HAND...OH WAIT...
More info on overseas salary v au:
Have you considered working as a lawyer overseas?
SOURCE!!!! :,23739,21735130-952,00.htm
Which bos regular is it?:P
It was a pretty good set up...but the thing is...for someone to get caught in a set up, how often does it happen to real young people?
Does anyone do:
Dirt Bike racing (Refering to real yamaha/honda etc trail bikes)
Pit Bike Racing (Includes chinese brands lol)
Quad bike racing (Any)
Bush/Dune buggy racing
or just ride for recreation...what do you ride?