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  1. ari89

    Degree Questions

    Sorry if these have already been asked (and yes i have already looked through the forum for the answer:P)... I am a bit confused about the lengths of the medical courses at different unis. For example, B Medicine/B Surgery @ UWS = 5 years B Medicine/B Surgery @ NSW = 6 years B...
  2. ari89

    Paper Now Available

    The 2006 HSC Biology paper can be found here.
  3. ari89

    Good Luck new Biologists!

    Lol im weird and loved biology...all the best to everyone do it. If you need any help post in this forum...or if you need tuition contact me :D
  4. ari89


    $15-20 English / Biology / History / IT / Maths TUTOR WANT TUITION IN HSC ENGLISH, BIOLOGY, ANCIENT HISTORY, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY $15 p/h for trial (first) lesson...$20 p/h thereafter I'll also tutor prelim or for other HSC/Prelim subjects such as Maths as long as its not HSC 2U+ (general...
  5. ari89

    Good Luck With IT 2moro!

    Good luck people...when you're studying for IT 2moro morning remember that I am already lucky enough to be doing the exam 4 hours before you! However, I have to spend the entire day in the examination hall because the Board of Studies will not allow me to make any contact with anyone other than...
  6. ari89


    AAAAArrghh... All my assessments are due on Friday for every I get my history extension case study assessment today...(Plus i hve 5 other assessments to get done by Friday)
  7. ari89

    Romanisation Case Study

    Is anyone doing the Romanisation case study? (Or the influence of rome on the provinces etc topic) If so which historians are you using? What sources? And what are your debates??? Any help would be greatly apprecaited! Thanks!
  8. ari89

    Mathematics Tutor NEEDED

    Hey, Is there anyone around West Pennat Hills/Castle Hill/Cherrybrook area who can tutor me for 2U Mathematics? The class is kind off badly behind schedule and maths is my only HSC draw back. I don't want one subject to kill it for me... PM me if theres anyone out there who can help...
  9. ari89

    UAC Info

    When are we suppose to get stuff from UAC? (such as pins or id number or anythin) Has anyone got their stuff yet?
  10. ari89

    Topic Suggestion

    Someone should do THE BEAST OF GEVAUDAN for their major project...I reckon it would be an interesting topic. Some Links:
  11. ari89

    Major Project Due Date (2006)

    When's your major project due?
  12. ari89


    Does anyone know of any info tech competitions around for yr 12 students?!?!?!?!?
  13. ari89


    Does anyone know of any biology competitions that year 12 students can enter???????????
  14. ari89

    *** Days 'till the HSC

    What ever happened to that counter that was on the homepage that told how long untill the HSC?
  15. ari89

    Half Yearly

    Today I had my history extension half yearly exam and I think i did really good. It was modified tho. The first question was on my major project since I have no peers to do a peer evaluation with. The second essay was like one found in the HSC papers when you read an article and asnwer some...
  16. ari89


    Who here did: Fall of the Republic for their historical period and; Julius Caesar as a personaliy OR are there any other overlaps like that in what you're doing? (Since Caesar is in the time of the Republican collapse)
  17. ari89

    Maintaining A Balance Discussion

    Even though not many biologists post on this forum I have the idea to start a general discussion for the chapter Maintaining A Balance where we simply discuss stuff. Because I find reading how other people describe something as a useful technique for me to develop my understaning of it and...
  18. ari89

    Dead computer my desktop turned off for no reason and on trying to turn it on again it starts to load but doesn't boot up windows and gives the message: Windows XP could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\SYSTEM and then it says to go to...
  19. ari89

    IT Exam

    I had my half yearly IT exam and it was so easy! I swear IT is the best subject... anyone else got some thoughts on their IT exams???????
  20. ari89

    Red Bull no no's

    Do not drink a can of red bull before a 3 hour maths exam....not good! After about an hour into the exam I was about to die....and then there was 2 more hours left....oh the I continued to work probably doing some serious damage to my insides.... I think it acts like coffee and...