Search results

  1. ari89

    Cheapest G3/G4 iBook

    Ibook wanted! - Cheapest G3/G4 iBook Anyone know where I could pick one up cheap? An airport card included would be great:) Thanks in advance
  2. ari89

    First Year Books

    Around how many books would I need for the B Business/B Laws combined degree and how much should I expect to pay for it all? Any approximate guidew would be appreciated:) Anyone think my dads 25 yr old co-op card would still be accepted?:P
  3. ari89

    Unit Issue - UWS MAKES ME CRY!

    Unit Issue Today I went to Parra UWS for the academic advising session for the combined. I asked the guy there (Mac collings) who was in charge of the combined law degrees. He told me to meet him afterwards in his office. I went to his office in the law school and was stopped by some...
  4. ari89

    Unit prerequisites (B Bus/B Laws)

    For B Business(Economics & Finance)/B Laws, the handbook the unit corporate financial management is before the prerequisite do you enrol for the unit then? (I'll probably just hold out to the seminar day or whatever its called i guess)
  5. ari89

    B Business streams or B Economics questions..

    I got into combined law at UWS and I have no idea what the business topics are and how they would compare to B Economics... The UAC book is limited on what the prospects for the courses are and what your major studies would be. Does anyone have any insight or suggestions as to what I should...
  6. ari89

    Any '07 law students?

    I'm gonna be doing it at parra...anyone else?
  7. ari89

    Video Card and TV Tuner

    I'm after a cheap video card and my motherboard is agp not pci-x i think...are these any good for the price? Radeon9250 128MB AGP (more info...) $50 Radeon9550 256MB AGP $85 Radeon9600PRO 256MB AGP $95 What limitations etc do they have and what would they be able to...
  8. ari89

    Offer Question

    I'm a bit confused on how the uni offers thing goes. If your first preference gets you an offer does that mean that you won't get an offer for your second preference? (That is - do you only get one offer out of all your preferences?)
  9. ari89

    Course Choice

    At around offer time I am going to be faced with a choice - to do B Laws/B Business @ UWS or B Medical Science @ UNSW Both courses have the same cut off and I think I'd enjoy the courses equally. (if I end up doing B Med Sci I'd use it as a pathway to medicine) Out of curiosity - What course...
  10. ari89

    Hsc Results Out 2moro

    Its about time...about time to see all my years of hard work at school wasted by stuffing up my final exams.
  11. ari89

    Stupid Students online closed

    Stupid Students online its not important that I be on it but its always closed these days
  12. ari89

    '07 It Students

    Just many people out there (or actually on this forum) do Information Technology for year 12?
  13. ari89

    Core Study Textbooks

    On this forum there has been heaps of general questions asked directly related to the syllabus dot points. The question is soon followed by a remark saying that the information is not available within the text book. This has led me to ask what text books are you guys using? I used 2 text books...
  14. ari89

    $15-20 English / Biology / History / IT / Maths TUTOR

    WANT TUITION IN HSC ENGLISH, BIOLOGY, ANCIENT HISTORY, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY $15 p/h for trial (first) lesson...$25 p/h thereafter I'll also tutor prelim or for other HSC/Prelim subjects such as Maths as long as its not HSC 2U+ (general maths is ok) Who? My name is Ari I just finished the...
  15. ari89

    Gene Splicing

    Source: here I just found this interesting...anyone else have any thoughts on it? Seriously, I didn't thik you could do that...unless i understood it is an example of DNA splicing right?
  16. ari89

    OMG jagshemesh

    Can you please stop reposting the same reply everywhere. It makes the task of helping people extremely difficut whereby you continue to post in threads which have not been active for over 2 years. If you're that eager to bump up your post count you should try answering other questions (once...
  17. ari89

    2007ers - What do you want to do after the HSC?

    2007 ers out of interest....without consideration of UAI entrance requirements etc...what would your ideal course/job etc be? Because knowing the requirements of the course you want to get in will help guide you and motivate your during the HSC. If you want to get into Medicine it would be...
  18. ari89

    eating/sleeping patterns and the HSC

    During the HSC i essentially stopped eating and was also due to more stuff than the HSC such as some horrible personal problems *breaks down and cries* I'd go to sleep around 3-4 and wake up at 6 and I'd eat like 1 meal a day.. Anyway, these days I still barely eat or...
  19. ari89


    *cries* it was i had the worst nightmare...i got my hsc results lol...and it was bad because i had 4 band 4's, 1 band 5 and a band 6 (for IT lol) and i got a uai of 84..i just realised my dream had an error:O i do an extension subject and i have no idea about the E scale...