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  1. D

    Request: Essay questions on MEGAcities

    There's a good chance that this years Urban Dynamics essay will be on megacities so I'm trying to get some essay questions to answer. Thanks for your help
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    Paper 1 Section 1 Question...

    Hi, In paper 1 i often see a question asking to find TWO techniques used by the composer and analyse the effect they have had. Is there a website with a list of all the techniques that can be used? I know stuff like emotive language, symbolism, rhetorical quesitons etc but I think i need...
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    Request: Scanned CSSA Papers

    if anyone has their 2003 or even has 01 or 02 CSSA papers and other past papers I would really appreciate them, please PM me if you can help. Our schools trial was just set by the teacher and even though i topped it, (79%) i would like to do CSSA to see how im ranking compared to the rest of...
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    October Holidays?

    Hey, what is everyone doing? My 18th bday lies at the beginning of october but is fairly close to my exams so i doubt i will go away or celebrate, is anyone else in a situation like this? My parents said we can go away for like 3-5days but I dont think i want to do that because I will lose so...
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    Need help writing a letter.

    Hello, I have a task where I am required to "write a letter to a TV producer suggesting he should explore this idea in a program." I am wondering - can someone tell me what the correct format of writing a letter is? is this right...
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    getting real sick, argg

    ive started to get real sick on thur/fri with syptoms like headache, real sore throat, feel real cold when my body is actually overheating etc and my trial Hsc exams start this wednesday. im writing here to see what i should be doing? should i go to the doctor now and try and get a doctors...