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  1. B

    How much should I be studying a week? Yr 12

    hey chill with the time table! I personally would not stress myself by dividing my day so strictly... I bludged so much during year 12 that i seriously doubt it is necessary to have a full study plan unless you are gunning for like 99.95. just remember a few simple rules: 1. Maths should be...
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    Is it really necessary to purchase various textbooks in order to do well in subjects?

    Re: Is it really necessary to purchase various textbooks in order to do well in subje that's a bit vague... depends on the subject. A subject like maths you would only need your school textbook and a list of past test papers and thats probably all you would ever need to/have time for/ be...
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    Extension English worth it?

    Hey, I did ext 1 in year 11 but then dropped it in yr 12 because i wanted 10 units. I regretted it greatly because i was pretty good at it but just wanted to do the least work possible. why did i regret it? Because it's an escape from advanced english. Advanced english is all about pedantic...
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    Residential Colleges in Uni of Queensland

    yeh u got into emmanuels which had a few spots left when i called but only for females. i was referring to if you were a boy, not a girl since the guy i was replying to was a boy...
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    Residential Colleges in Uni of Queensland

    king's looks perfect if your a sporty white guy with blonde hair haha um health science has classes on two different campuses so you have to travel between both... doesn't sound like much fun does it :S oh and as for colleges, i called before and all are full (unisex and male). but female...
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    Residential Colleges in Uni of Queensland

    thanks rx34 and evilflic for the responses, rx34, i went to the link you gave me and I was pretty shocked that living on campus where they feed you and look after you and is a walk away from classes is not that much more expensive than a nearby off campus unit :O college doesn't seem as...
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    Residential Colleges in Uni of Queensland

    HELP! I didn't know you had to apply for college last year and i only sent an application in 2 days ago because i found out that i made it into provisional med at UQ. I had applied to int college and they said it was full and that i was waitlisted. i ended up calling almost every other college...
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    ATAR 85 being average?

    shadowdude your disturbing interest in estimations is frightening... neways stop trying to work out what your predicted is by looking at yr 11. Yr 11 to Yr 12 is like going from a kiddy pool to a diving pool. its a whole new thing. everyone studies much harder and some people will shock with...
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    Ok first things first.. rub one out. Now, yr 11 is a time for mistakes and fun. it is meaningless except for learning what to do and what not to do. MARKS ARE NOT IMPORTANT. if i made any mistake in yr 11 it was trying to get good marks rather than finding what works and what doesn't...
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    What units to choose for year 11?

    First off. 1. Forget about choosing subjects that you think relate to what you want to do unless you are SURE of what you want to do. i.e. you need chemistry to do some things like medicine in uni. Other than prerequisites (not reccommended, i mean ASSUMED) forget about doing them. Only do...
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    This cannot be right.

    They scale well for a reason :) nevertheless the edge that a student gets from choosing the right subjects is damn near tangible...
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    99.95 tutor for maths and english

    he has a relli large penis... nuff said?
  13. B

    Do u write or type ur study notes?

    You should always aim to handwrite your notes. When you handwrite you learn what you are writing much more effectively because you have to think a ton more than when typing. Plus mistakes are harder to remove so you are always forced to think about what you are writing instead of repeatedly...
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    what subjects do i pick for yr 11 and 12

    Imo you should do at least 1 science to achieve some sort of balance. Sciences are good because they 1. scale well 2. resources are very easy to find and stay consistent (unlike eco). 3. easy to study for. 4. no huge essays
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    Assesment Marks vs. Exam Marks

    overalllll about the same
  16. B

    Advice on studying in yr 11?

    yr 11 doesn't count for shit and, except for maths and a BIT for science, none of the prelim material is required for yr 12. Don't try to get good marks in yr 11. instead try to experiment and learn HOW to get good marks so you know what works and what doesn't. If you don't know what i mean...
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    To drop or not the drop: the math dilemma

    if you are doing EXCEPTIONALLY well in your other subjects... drop it. By exceptional i mean you are more confident in getting 95+ in them than getting 90+ in 3 unit maths. essentially... maths 3u has very good scaling and you shouldn't relli drop it unless you are certain it won't count...
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    Is just 10 units too much of a risk

    10 units is perfectly safe. I did 10 units and so did many many of my friends. In fact, probably 95 percent of my friends at school did 10 units because they couldn't be bothered doing more. And of those 95 percent that did 10 units, about 95 percent of them got above 99. the people who said...
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    how do you achieve band 6's in the school certificate?

    Try your best to not study for SC. You will thank me in two years time.
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    Is it possible for somebody with a really low IQ like 110, to achieve a 99+ atar?

    You don't relli need to be smart to perform well in the hsc. The HSC never really demands alot more than simply a ton of memorising. Science is just memorising a ton of information which anyone can do. The only difference between someone who is bright and someone who is a bit slow is that the...