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  1. B

    How to do well in English?

    OF COURSE YOU MEMORISE PRE PLANNED ESSAYS all you people saying not to memorise essays... how silly you all are! just memorise a very generic essay and regurgitate in the exam room with the terms of the questions threaded throughout. i did this ruthlessly throughout the year and got 95...
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    right. because getting over 90% in prelim school assessments is a major achievement. more like your school has easy tests... anyways, for all those people whinging about sciences being too easy for you - be happy. most of the state struggles so much already with sciences which is why its scaled...
  3. B

    Is it possible to achieve 99+ ATAR from taking both histories?

    the person in my modern class got 99.95 this year with both ancient and history... tho he got state rankings in 4 subjects... he did humanities and ext 1 maths. so its very possible ;) but you have to be the top of your game in histories.
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    All Rounders List

    the problem here is that you guys didnt learn from your mistakes! see im a model student... in yr 10 i got 89 in science. one mark away from an all rounder in SC. in my devo state i vowed to redeem myself... which i did in hsc :)
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    Should I do Mathematics?

    and then i say "you think uni maths is hard? you should feel my dick!" then they dont talk to me nemore...
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    Should I do Mathematics?

    lol when you get to the end of your hsc u will no doubt agree with me that its hard. complex numbers is the newbie stuff. actually none of it is RELLI hard... i mean it is... but its more the fact that you try to remember all the topics which are "challenging" in close detail. you go so far...
  7. B

    Advanced English?

    friend got all band 5s in sc... got 99.85 in hsc.. 98 in examination for adv english. feel better? :)
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    Should I do Mathematics?

    if it's too boring to do the questions then there is a big chance that you need to do ext... which is fun. ext 2 is just hard.
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    Too many "essay-based" subjects ?

    in short. yes. too much to memorise and too hard on your hand (when memorising and during hsc) maths at least you don't have to memorise nething.. you just practise so you leave your mind free (and hand). considering the fact that memorising the 5 english essays can be an ordeal for...
  10. B

    How do you beat naturally smart people?

    noone listen to nething he said. this guy doesn't kno what hes on about. 10 hours worth of questions doesn't improve simply precision. it drills in the techniques used to work out questions so that you will never forget it. this is so important as there will never be a repeat question but...
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    Where's the middle ground?

    BoS generally attracts the better students as they care enough about their studies to not only join the forum but also feel proud enough to post their results and the amount of 90+ students is pretty much constant each year :S 4000 students get 90+/per year... so yes you would hear about alot...
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    Parents reaction to ATAR

    lol me: 99.70 HELLS YEH dad: im very proud... me: then why aren't you smiling dad: well you still can't get into medicine with your umat so whats the point of having high atar me: thanks for reminding me *mum enters* mum: oh thats good! me: hehehe *mum loses smile quickly* mum: but we are...
  13. B

    Who thinks the HSC is unfair?

    right... cuz the hsc is a measure of one's effort and nothing else... zzz your argument is like complaining that the olympics is unfair because some runners are born faster than their peers. if they can study one night and beat you if you study 3 weeks... what does that mean... it means...
  14. B

    Did anyone perform badly in the Preliminary and perform well in the HSC?

    Eng 2 unit i went from 60/190 to 8/190 so i ended up with 94 Chem 80/100 to 20/100 ended up with 93 Maths 3U 50/156 to 17/156 ended up with 97 that should show u how much u learn from ur mistakes that you can afford to make in yr 11.... u learn how to answer the question and you learn how to...
  15. B

    Who feels really bad about their Atar?

    i dont want to sound harsh but uni i hear is 10 x harder than highschool... if you cudnt get above 70 atar then unless you undergo a complete transformation in work ethics then you wont be able to achieve the credit average or whateva u need to transfer into the course you want
  16. B

    3 band 6's but didnt get a 90?

    look mate... to put it simply... you didnt do exceptional even at shitty subjects. u must be a totally lost cause if you thought that scraping low band 6's at polish continuers and pdhpe and JUST touching 90 with adv eng was going to do much good when you pull them down with band a band 4...
  17. B

    everyone is full of it?

    mate you sound stupid --.-- you're arguing that you got 99.6 with an "average amount of work" and because YOU did an "average amount of work" (which is subjective i might add) and got a decent atar that means everyone else who did alot of work should have gotten 99.95. you realise its atar is...