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  1. B

    How to get an ATAR of 90+ ?

    Aim for 100 percent. Be disappointed every time you get less. With that mindset you will be able to achieve much higher than 90 ATAR. ok that is overdoing it... but seriously the higher you aim, the harder you will try and the better you will perform... do your very very very best :S
  2. B

    Who here has gotten 99+ without accelerating?

    me :) and a tonnnnnn of other people at my school
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    3 band 6's but didnt get a 90?

    There is no evil man that seeks to scale down subjects at a whim... polish may be a very difficult subject. In fact it could be the most difficult subject in the entire world. but if the students who did polish performed very very shit in all their other subjects... how are we to know that...
  4. B

    Who thinks the HSC is unfair?

    that's one way to go off topic...
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    Epping - English/ Maths 3U,2U/ Chemistry/ Assistance with Modern History

    Graduated from Baulkham Hills High School 09' with the following results: Chemistry: 93- Will tutor Mathematics 3U: 97 - Will tutor (also tutoring 2U) Mathematics 4U: 94 - Cannot tutor English Advanced: 95 - Will tutor Modern History: 92- The syllabus for modern history changes in 2010...
  6. B

    How do you beat naturally smart people?

    To beat the naturally gifted students, you must 1. Work smarter than they do. (that means following the dotpoint to the t for sciences and it means not wasting time trying to learn how to do question 8 for 4 unit maths but mastering 1 - 6) 2. Work harder than them. Also working smarter means...
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    Scared of stuffing up

    i'd be more worried for you if you WEREN'T scared. scared is good. it makes you study. study = results. results = money + sex + fame + chicks.
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    Tutoring MATHS, SCIENCES, and ENGLISH in WESTERN SYDNEY: 1st in Baulko

    i went to school with him and he's pretty good looking. a delicious dark caramel that i just want to envelop with my mouth... obviously he must be a good tutor. oh and he did alright in the hsc... not tooo disappointed
  9. B

    Is it safe to do ten units for the HSC

    All of you can shut up with the "can't fail one test" rule of thumb. You are all wrong. I myself did 10 units. At the start of the year i was very cocky and i got punished by two early tests. Chemistry: My first test I got 56 percent - was ranked 94/100. By the end of the year i was ranked...
  10. B

    studying for pre-lim when should i start?

    Do nothing. At all. But if you don't feel like being one of the cool kids... Just do some maths :)
  11. B

    Who here has got a tutor????

    Anyone dissing the use of 4 unit maths tutors is a retard - tho i am assuming that noone who actually did the course would be the perpetrator. As for those stating that 1 on 1 is the best form of learning... it is not always the case. For some it applies too much pressure on the student and...
  12. B

    Good places for holiday tutoring for a 2010 yr. 11?

    I think you got it a bit wrong imho :S Sciences can be self taught ahead but its much much more efficient to be tutored ahead as learning the new material straight from textbook is quite difficult - relevant info is sporadic. I personally believe it is very difficult to learn ahead without more...
  13. B

    Do HSC sciences need more maths?

    lol yeah 3U students can do proj motion... but 4 unit students must do 3 unit as well? don't know what you are saying :S You state that you have no issues giving people who are good at maths an advantage over those who don't - ME NEITHER. I'm referring not to the ABILITY of the student but...
  14. B

    Is it possible to achieve 99+ ATAR from taking both histories?

    I am ALL for the idea of doing what you like. HOWEVER. Do you REALLY know what you want? I loved history in yr 10 and got 98 in SC. Accordingly, i did modern history. I loved it in yr 11 and ranked 4 in the grade. Like all you history buffs i hated physics and chem and was coming bottom 10 in...
  15. B

    Do HSC sciences need more maths?

    No. I am a big fan of maths and think it has a lot of relevance in all sciences. My maths tutor told me that, when he worked for a university as a researcher in the chemistry faculty, most of his time was spent using calculus. He said he just did alot of integration (the rate of growth and...
  16. B

    study during holidays?

    you dont need to do ANYTHING in the summer holidays except maths. in fact i would probably apply that to all your holidays except to the one before hsc and trials (if your trials are right after holidays). trust me.
  17. B

    Do people exaggerate the difficulty of the HSC?

    whoever said the SC was hard or that it was used for nething is a retard. SC is a breeze - no use in life and no challenges in the test. I reckon the hsc is pretty hard if you want to get above 98. not necessarily because its HARD... but because if you are aiming so high it puts so much stress...
  18. B

    thinking of appealing, would like opinions please

    music is scaled terribly. given that it is barely a band 5 - its even worse. there is no point in appeal - no mistake was made. you just have to understand scaling a bit better.
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    "study smart. not hard"

    In my opinion... studying smart means 1. not doing any more work than is required specifically in the syllabus. This applies mostly to sciences. i think i spent more time scrutinising the syllabus dotpoints and discerning what i had to know rather than just learning it all. however subjects...