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  1. anomalousdecay

    Official Steam Thread.

    Anyone want to start?
  2. anomalousdecay

    Anyone into BICYCLE riding?

    Mountain or BMX? I've been using a mountain for BMX lately lol. Anyone have stories to tell about the road? I once had a car reverse into my bike but all good.
  3. anomalousdecay

    The Age Of Silicon.

    For part (a) Got 150/(30 + R) V It should be 150/(30 + R/1000) V Realised after the test. Lost one mark. I'll probably get 2/3 (b) Wrote about aperture lens widening or closing depending on LDR. Probably get 2/3 (c) Wrote about input of thermistor. Output relay. Confident to get 4/4 (d)...
  4. anomalousdecay

    q12 2011 HSC paper.

    I got C. Can someone please explain why the answer is A? And If possible, can someone please explain q20 of 2010? I didn't even know how to approach q20 of 2010.
  5. anomalousdecay


    Hi guys. I have already put down preferences for engineering at unsw and uts. What University would be the best backup for specifically engineering after uts? Thanks in advance.
  6. anomalousdecay

    Engineering at UNSW

    Hi guys. I know I want to do engineering, but not sure whether to pick electrical, chemical or mechanical. I do know about the flexible entry engineering 1st year, but I would rather, after talking to a few professors, pick one type of engineering and transfer at the end of first year to...
  7. anomalousdecay

    Creativity contest.

    First of all, you only win rep for this contest. I need some help in creating a really challenging integral of 4-unit work. THE ANSWER MUST RESULT IN 79.9. I will decide the winner on Sunday 8/09/13, 6pm. So far I have this: I completely made this up today from scratch. Does this...
  8. anomalousdecay

    Parametrics and the parabola marathon.

    I have posted this thread in light that everyone will benefit from practising these HSC questions. I tend to have problems with the locus questions of this topic. To start off: 2005 HSC question 4(c). (5 marks altogether) The points P(2ap, ap^2) and Q(2aq, aq^2) lie on the parabola x^2 =...
  9. anomalousdecay

    Ln absolute values in integration.

    If we do not write the absolute value for integration where the result is in terms of ln in HSC, would I lose marks???
  10. anomalousdecay


    Does Dux give you extra bonus points for UNSW or UTS? Does school captain also give you bonus points as well? If bonus points are eligible, is the maximum of bonus points still five, or is the maximum five for subjects plus maximum five for extra-curricular activities. In other words...
  11. anomalousdecay

    Band 5 and 6 in English.

    I am doing ok in English Advanced, and I am wondering whether I have the capability of getting a band 5 or a band 6 in English. In the past few years, what has been the raw cut-off for a band 5 and band 6 in English Advanced, Paper 2. Also, what has been the cut-off for the English...
  12. anomalousdecay

    2013 Age of Silicon crew.

    Anyone doing this topic?
  13. anomalousdecay

    Physics scaling.

    What is the ranking of option topics in terms of scaling for the past 5 years? I want to do Age of Silicon because I am really interested in it, but there are many barriers preventing me from doing the option. If it is in the top 2 out of the 5 in terms of scaling then I will try my hardest...
  14. anomalousdecay

    USyd vs. UNSW vs. UTS for Engineering.

    So which uni is the best in terms of facilitation and opportunites for engineering. I am assuming UNSW is the best for engineering followed by UTS then USyd , then Newcastle, etc. I will most likely try to do a flexible engineering course. If not, most likely mechanical or chemical will do...
  15. anomalousdecay

    Entanglement (NOT PART OF HSC SYLLABUS)

    Re: Where are you hoping your marks will get you? 91 ATAR, get into UNSW engineering, get a doctorate, become Gordon Freeman ( probably should do a particle physics degree instead). I'd rather invent something like Alan Walsh did with AAS, but causing a resonance cascade unintentionally and...
  16. anomalousdecay

    Option Topic.

    Ok. Does anyone have statistics on the best scaling Physics options? Apparently q2q scaled down in the past couple of years. I want to try out The Age of Silicon or q2q or Medical Physics. Which option is the most suitable for mechanical/chemical engineering? I am guessing Medical or Age of...
  17. anomalousdecay

    Guestimate this.

    School rank roughly 600. MEX1 rank : 1st / 7 MEX2 rank : 1st / 5 Chemistry rank : equal 1st / 6 Physics rank : somewhere between 1st and 3rd / 12 English Advanced rank : 4th or 5th / 21 Economics rank : 5th / 15 Need 91 for my course. I might be able to get AAA for UNSW...
  18. anomalousdecay

    What is a band 6?

    Ok, I am confused. Do you get a band 6 for: - getting over 90% in the final HSC exam in raw marks. - getting a mark in the final HSC exam that only the top 10% in the state scored. - getting a mark that the board of studies suggests is suitable for a band 6, by scaling subjects against...
  19. anomalousdecay

    Progress in Extension 2.

    Nearing the end of Term 1, our teacher has told us that we should have the following topics finished: - Complex Numbers - Polynomials - Conics - Integration What are you guys up to? Especially selective school students. I am doing well in 4-unit but I am considering dropping if we don't finish...
  20. anomalousdecay

    12 units or 10 units and Extension 2 maths

    So I was thinking about dropping Economics. I really liked the year 11 course, but the year 12 course seems harder and less interesting for me. But dropping would leave me with 10 units. Is this a good idea. Also, we have only done Complex numbers and polynomials in ext2. How much of the course...