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  1. Rory

    Interview rejection

    Haha yeh I am, is it the same Dash you applied for?
  2. Rory

    Interview rejection

    Janine don't feel bad, I got a job with Dash coffee months ago when I was still new to Canberra and they really suck, I ended up not answering their calls after my trial shift. You're better off without them, keep looking though, you can find HEAPS of jobs in Canberra especially in the...
  3. Rory

    Canberra Uni

    ^ The internet on campus is run by the uni (so you don't get outside internet connections from your own chosen provider), you've got internet credit (like a pre-paid phone) and the Uni gives you $25 on your internet account at the beginning of each year, but you're always going to run out...
  4. Rory

    Uni Bar?

    ^ There is only the one bar on campus at UC; there is also the lighthouse which is a 2min walk from campus who've got a pool table and cheap drinks on Wednesday I think.. but if you wanted to go into civic, mooseheads is pretty cheap on Thursday nights and they've got a pool table downstairs. So...
  5. Rory

    how many hours do you work per month?

    I'm a full-time uni student, I work as a casual and on average I work around 110-180hours a month
  6. Rory

    uc next year

    ^ Hah, like I said, don't stress, I stopped doing maths in year ten, I'm chronically bad at it (seriously, in year ten I came 3rd out of 30 and I got 49% haha) but it's really easy like it's more statistics and basic shit like that. Essays are simple too, they make sure you take it slow with...
  7. Rory

    uc next year

    The college is pretty basic, you wont need much. They have three areas; Analytical Methods which is all maths based, you'll do one group project, a survey-type project on your own and a test at the end. I only wrote my name down for the test and left (I suck with maths) so it's not even that...
  8. Rory

    uc next year

    You can try and see if centerlink will cover it, if they don't you can also try the students loan center, they focus their loans on those sorts of things.
  9. Rory

    uc next year

    That's awesome :) Connect is so easy, the semester just flies past with them and they make it almost impossible for you to fail it :) Congrats with getting into it :)
  10. Rory

    Lg U880?

    I got the LG U880 a month ago and I love this phone, to answer your questions: 1. How many messages are able to be stored in the inbox/outbox (message memory) - I can't remember exactly but I think it's between 215-250 2. Are you able to record sounds/music/songs and use them for...
  11. Rory

    full time uni plus two jobs

    I think it depends on what kind of person you are management-wise. Some people can manage the stress of studying and working simultaneously, last semester I was doing like 12-15 contact hours a week while working 40-50hours and I managed it just fine, passed all my units and got a transfer into...
  12. Rory

    Help please from any UC students!!

    I'm pretty sure it's normal for it to dissapear around this time, I think it happened last semester.. can't remember for sure, either way I'm sure it's nothing to stress about, you can always call up UC Admin just to double check if you're really worried, or rock up on O-Week and find out.
  13. Rory

    uc next year

    Have fun moving in to ressies :) It's a real kick the first time.
  14. Rory

    uc next year

    Yeh Arscott is pretty much the party house of ressies, it's a great place to live, but you do have to maintain some sort of self control when it comes down to getting your work done, it can be a pretty distracting place but you'll enjoy it and meet some great people.
  15. Rory

    What is YOUR definition of flirting

    I think it's only flirting when you're thinking something like 'I hope they notice me' or 'I hope they like me' type things while you're doing it.. you're only flirting when you have an objective to get someone to notice you in some romantic form.. I don't think there is a standard procedure...
  16. Rory

    uc next year

    If you don't get into UC due to your UAI, you should look into going to the UC College and doing something like UC COnnect; I did that last year and it just takes up the first semester, you get a new UAI and can start a degree by second semester. I only originally got a UAI of like 53 but once I...
  17. Rory

    UAC Transfer Confirmations for 2006

    I was doing BArts at UC but I got my transfer into BComm Public Relations at UC with a UAI of like.. 75, no idea what my grade avg is though, nothing special like 3 passes and a credit lol don't care though, got my transfer so I'm happy :-D
  18. Rory

    uc next year

    Daniel, you should still apply for accomodation now, it really is never too late. Just send the accom people an e-mail explaining that you didn't get the accom details you were expecting, that you're going to be from interstate, don't have anywhere else to live if you go to UC etc and see what...
  19. Rory

    Campus Accomodation, Who Got it?

    I think generally you cater for yourself unless you pay some fee to get certain meals from the Iguana Cafe..
  20. Rory

    Campus Accomodation, Who Got it?

    ^ Yes definitely, the earlier you apply the better :)