Search results

  1. Rory

    Cash-in-hand or Taxed Wage?

    I'm F&B (Food and Beverage) staff at Parliament. I get taxed, I'm a casual and I'm getting almost $14/hour (I'm 18.) It does me just fine.
  2. Rory

    Casual work in Canberra

    It *can* be a real bitch to find work in Canberra, I'd been applying left right and center to anything and everything since Feb and only just got a job last week (3 actually but I settled for only having one..) however, it really depends on like your availability and previous work experience...
  3. Rory

    do you tell?

    I'd tell them, purely because if the roles were reversed I would want to be told, and if your friend gets pissy at you then that isn't your fault, they'll eventually realise they shouldn't be mad at you for their boyf/girlf doing the dirty behind their back, if they do stay mad, well that's...
  4. Rory

    Red Eye

    I'm definitely going to see it because Cillian Murphy is just pure hotness hah I'm not a big McAdams fan though but I love Wes Craven movies so yeh it's a definite 'must see' for me :)
  5. Rory

    Group Interview with Diva; What to Expect?

    Hah yeh I wasn't too keen on being called for an interview in 2 days, I'm used to having like at least a week or so to prepare and I couldn't renegotiate the interview timing so I'll be cutting it close to my afternoon lecture that day.. I'm a bit wary about an interview that goes for an hour...
  6. Rory

    Group Interview with Diva; What to Expect?

    I just got called for a group interview with 'Diva' for Wednesday and I'm kinda curious about what to expect. I've never had a group interview before, nor an interview with 'Diva', so any ideas? Would be muchly appreciated.
  7. Rory

    Retail or Filing?

    Would you be able to do both jobs at the same time or does that conflict with like your .. stuff? I'd say try out the filing thing, 23months is a longarse time of retail and a change of scenery would be nice, plus the office experience would be good in general and with the whole business degree...
  8. Rory

    nursing uai

    I beleive the 2005 UAI for Nursing at UC was 75 and I doubt it'll change too much because it's one of those fields where they want more applicants, so aim around that area.
  9. Rory

    The Pill

    Bah that sucks, reckon I'll just get rid of mine at this rate lol
  10. Rory

    The Pill

    I know what you mean. The pill hasn't solved my issues completely, I have to have another ultra sound because I think the cysts are back, but the pill keeps them at bay temporarily. I don't think there'll ever be something that'll help it completely but the pill works well enough on a short term...
  11. Rory

    The Pill

    I've been on the pill for about 3 years now for ovarian cyst related issues, and so far I haven't noticed any real side-effects, my weight fluctuates but it has always been like that. I pay like $30-ish for a box with 4months worth of tablets. I'm not sexually active but when I am I'll still be...
  12. Rory

    UC Open Day 27th August

    I'll probably be there, lingering around somewhere.
  13. Rory

    HARRY POTTER & THE HBP - what did you think? (SPOILERS!)

    Eh I thought the ending really sucked, like, yeh, the ending of OoTP was sadder than this one, someone told me that JK was 'rushing' the end because she didn't want to make this book longer than OoTP because people "complained". The first half of the book was good but the last part of it was...
  14. Rory

    does your man/woman ever try to tell you how to dress?

    I don't have a partner atm, but I don't beleive in trying to change people, dress sense is part of who they are and why go out with someone if you can't just like them as they are. I don't plan on making any future guys change anything for me, because I don't plan on changing myself for them.
  15. Rory

    Uni Social life?

    1) Will I come out of uni with a healthy liver? It's up to you, I lived on campus for first semester and didn't drink, it's up to you on that one. Depends how easy you'd give into peer pressure and the like. 2) How frequent are these infamous Uni parties? I think that depends on the Uni and...
  16. Rory

    internet/computer access...

    1. Yeh it's probably best to have your own computer. I think most people do. Plus it's better than having to trek up to the library or something to use theirs. 2. It's like a $60 yearly fee in your accommodation fees, and yeh.. it's alright.. been kind of shit this year though, the network...
  17. Rory

    Uni Bar?

    Yeh it's a pretty lively place.. they do a lot of themed nights like pimps and prosties, naughty nurses and dirty docs, hollywood stars etc.. and as for live music.. like Will mentioned they've got Evermore playing soon (next Friday actually haha I got my ticket ;) ) So yeh, generally the...
  18. Rory

    Anyone do or want to do journalism?

    I should be transferring into Journalism for 2006 and currently I'm at UC, i'll most likely stay in UC for the Journalism course.
  19. Rory

    Uni living arangements

    I'm currently living on campus. It's alright for now, but I couldn't do it long term. I'm already planning to move out to my own place by second semester lol it's an alright place, but I've just never been a fan of being woken up at 4am by a bunch of drunks throwing shit around in the courtyard...
  20. Rory

    Medicine in Hungary

    ^ Not really; although I was only 17 when I got here so that doesn't get you many invites out. lol