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  1. T

    converting swf files

    I guess you're talking about animated gifs and not taking frames out of the swf to make stills. The resultant file will be massive, why do you want to do it? :)
  2. T

    Year 12 PiCS

    That's Minai before the sex change. :)
  3. T

    Software Piracy- How it got me....

    I'm starting to come across more and more Xvid ones. It's as good as DivX 5 and it's open source so it'll only get better. One day Ogg and Xvid will by the codecs of choice. Some of the TMDs are encoded with Xvid (like Old School which is a recent one). When encoding, I find I get the best...
  4. T

    99+ ~ aggregate?

    I suspect she just added up her HSC marks. She would not have known what her UAC marks were. For most subjects, UAC marks are lower than HSC marks. Her aggregate would have been more like 410 I think. :)
  5. T

    disaster....wat would u do???

    I like cases, the rest aren't in cases, they're just stacked in boxes (I got a few of those TDK 100 spindle ones) and it's a bastard to find something if you need it.
  6. T


    No I didn't make it myself, some company did for educational purposes. Yeah the info is all good.
  7. T


    I did alpine. It was easy because I'm a ski freak and already knew most of the crap about Thredbo because and Blue Cow (Thredbo is the best to focus on though). Edit: Tell me if you want the zip file.
  8. T

    disaster....wat would u do???

    So do I. This is about half of them, the rest are stacked in boxes, a lot of them in those envelope things (the other drawers have stuff like cameras in 'em). :)
  9. T

    Anyone going to USYD for enrichment day

    The M & G guy kept asking everyone to do crap and then he kept walking over to our group but we had never done anything. I think we resorted to staring down chicks after that.
  10. T

    Your Fav TV shows

    Sugaryblue, rename your image to .txt and then link to that (pretending that it's still an image) and it'll work. ;) Enough Rope, The Glasshouse, The Panel, The Simpsons and The Fat. One on Monday, Tuesday (The Fat has been moved), Wednesday and Friday. Thursday's are usually the Footy Show...
  11. T

    biomed engineering / advanced science

    Advanced Science requires around 96 whereas straight Science is in the low 80s I think.
  12. T

    What ISP you on ?

    My Netstats supposedly runs out in 3 days. I am downloading like crazy at the moment. Quick what should I download? :eek:
  13. T

    been to the syd enrichment day?

    School of Chemistry one. You must've had different people. :)
  14. T

    been to the syd enrichment day?

    It had to have been better than the physics one, that's for sure. We went on an excursion to USyd a couple of weeks ago, was the nazi titration lady a uni student? We had a psycho one who absolutely did her nut when someone poured lead precipitate down the sink (yes, a mistake, but she...
  15. T


    Can anyone offer any info on UNSW V Newcastle? I know UNSW is good but the idea of college in Newcastle is so appealing, if the med course there is similar to UNSW then I'd almost choose Newcastle first. That is, if I decide to do med. I'm still undecided! :eek:
  16. T

    what is validity?reliabily?and accuracy?

    Accuracy relates to how close you are to the theoretical value. It is affected by scale of your equipment (eg: measuring out 25mL in a pipette is much more accurate than measuring out 25mL in a measuring cylinder), among other things. In the titration example above I don't think it'd be possible...
  17. T

    American Pie 3?

    I don't know about everyone else but I just saw the trailer for it. (right click, save as - 8.73mb)
  18. T

    Liberal Studies???

    Yuk. I don't like that. *crosses Commerce (liberal studies) off the list!*
  19. T

    How about: Worst Private School?

    Just for the record I didn't start that 'argument' about facilities. I don't care however it is certainly getting SPX all fired up. His defence of his school and attack on mine borders on insanity. I have a few friends who were booked into Knox, Abbotsleigh, PLC and Barker before they were...
  20. T

    How about: Worst Private School?

    Haha what an idiot. Listen to the people around you. NO you CAN NOT become part of CAS. ;) :lol: PS: I was booked in when I was 5 days old. "Proportionately" better? :confused: Dickhead. :rolleyes: