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    We did McGuigans's and Catherine Vale vineyards in the Hunter as well (focussed on Catherine Vale in the end, an ex-teacher of my school runs it so he gave us heaps of info). :)
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    Which uni has the best teaching?

    What are the science areas of UNSW and Sydney like compared with each other? Anyone been at both? (I think Laz has?) :)
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    New Best Private School

    Without a doubt. ;) (For those who don't know, I think they came second last this year, only beating Cranbrook).
  4. T

    New Best Private School

    That is only for GPS. There are more schools in the state that just GPS schools. :)
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    New Best Private School

    Hahah I doubt it. Good comedy though. To quote pinkbella, but for you: Get over Shore!! It's just another school, like every other school, we don't need to hear you defending it in every thread. There's school pride and there's insanity. You have reached insanity.
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    What ISP you on ?

    Same here, for another 2 weeks. :(
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    How about: Worst Private School?

    We didn't. :confused: You are from Shore, right? We know you aren't Catholic. You guys choked. :p But at 3 tries to 1 the better team won in the end.
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    How about: Worst Private School?

    Before last year, we had won the 3 years previously. I'll be more than happy to compare HSC results with you when they are released if you think we're so stupid. Okay. For the benefit of SPX: - With 1600 students at the prep and senior schools, clearly there is some benefit in that sort of...
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    What is 1337?

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    Is Chess a Sport?

    Points 1, 2 & 3 are the only relevant ones, and they say it's not a sport. :eek:
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    uai prediciton (sorry!!)

    I want your advanced english rank.
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    Schools seek university entrance data

    That way is dodgy, because schools who may perform solidly (ie: have a 'high' average UAI) mightn't necessarily get a lot of band 6 achievers in each subject (or merit list people/top-of-the-state people/100 people either for that matter). This method only reflects on the top students in any...
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    I refuse to go there ever then. Seriously, the fewer excuses I have to be on the computer, the better!
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    Hsc 2003 Timetable Is Out!!!!

    Most sessions have multiple exams on except the english sessions and a few others like on the 30th of October and 3rd November.. Oh, other good thing, I can go to a formal on the 1st of Nov (because Chem will be 6 days away). :D
  15. T

    Hsc 2003 Timetable Is Out!!!!

    20th - Adv English 22nd - Adv English 27th - Ex 2 Maths 29th - Ex 1 Maths 31st - Physics 6th - Chemistry They are all morning exams. So I'm happy, no two exams on one day and no exams on consecutive days, plus I finish pretty early. :)
  16. T

    HSC timetable?

    Thanks Laz. :) Here is the timetable link:
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    HSC timetable?

    I am talking about Philosophy as a whole. :) It's scaling doesn't seem to be all it's cracked up to be seeing as I'm only around average in the state for it.
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    New Best Private School

    oi! No I'm not. :mad: :p :p :p
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    HSC timetable?

    That was all off the top of my head, I am pretty sure they were all 3 hours (although come to think of it, our ex 1 half yearly was 2 hours and our ex 1 trials are 2 hours too). Will check it tomorrow. It's on our noticeboard and our yearmaster said it was the final draft.
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    How about: Worst Private School?

    He is messing with your head he goes to Barker. ;) Where do you gather?