well im sure we have some people here who live on their own, live with their friends or still living with their parents but are planin on moving out ( eg me )..
I'm plannin on moving out but first thing first I need to be finanically stable...
I'm workin on that i've got a job well 2 xD and i...
Hey so who else has a sperm collection sittin at home. For those bunch who dont know what it is.. I'm talking about when you C-U-M you store it in a little container and then place dates and time and expire date etc... and then place the right size straw for later use such as drinking, gettin...
has anyone heard of this... because i've heard of it and i heard that centerlink is gonna play a grand for all youth allowance people.. i dont know why but i heard it gonna be paid in december.. any one know about htis ??
Hello, Well today I got called from Chester Hill Woolworths about my application of Nightfill...
What I need to know is, What should I bring, they asked me to bring a number of things but now I realised that I dont have a birth certificate but I do have a citizenship and passport and a number...
ok, well i dont have a text book anymore + i've finished my hsc already but i need to know the exact chapters name for the 2unit course please..
eg can some one kindly enough give it to me in this form
chapter 1 - basic arth
chapter 2 - blah blah
chapter 3- blah blah thank you.
Ok,well im tutoring some year 12 students in 2unti maths and was wondering how could i produce my own style + format + structure the way the hsc markers do.
I'm talking about what program can I use beside Microsoft Word or anything like that, because I really need to bring these kids up fast...
Well, since I can access a number of people through this section of Bored of studies, I was wondering what are the advantages/disadvantages in your opinion of doing B Eduction at any uni.
i.e either sydney/unsw/uws/maqauire or uts....
what makes a person want to do education after 13 years.
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I finally logged into this service provided by BOS, what exactly is that and what should I expect from it.
Can some one please explain wtf is this shit in...
Yeah i finished today, suck on that 3unit maths, we gang banged you this morning..
fuck english, i hope it dies....
i love u 3unit, 4unit suck a cock
economics << go fuck your dad in the ear.
business studies << lick OUR balls..
i finished and im loving it.
I've been a victim in thishsc today they took it too far I told them I need more booklets but they come up to me and say what do u want :: honestly what else can I ask for Ive lost so much time due to this and bos should find about about this and they give us one booklet at a time what do u think
hey just incase a question comes up in the form of perms or combs in the hsc i want to just understand how to do this..
how many 4 letter words can be arranaged from the word DIVERSITY..
ps: in the hsc i wont even bother with prob + perms + combs quesiton unless i find them easy
Thanks in...
well, I have a feeling that this year the maths exam papers will be set to extra hard due to last year paper which was piss easy.
I dont know why, considering from general they thought it was a 2unit paper well does anyone else think that this year we will get raped by board of studies from our...
so does anyone know who killed themselves because of poor hsc results.. I remember my school tellin me some kid killed him self because he got in the 90s uai ?? i think he wanted something like 95 or something along those lines...
share your thoughts..
so has anyone heard of the poem easy does it by bruce dawe...
its a great poem which explores the idea of how a young child on a journey to learning the language english...
whilst his father trying to discourage him so he doesn't lose his uniqeness..