Search results

  1. BabyK

    What do you want to be when you grow up? Plans for after the HSC?

    Re: the big question WHAT UNI DO YOU WANT TO GO TO AND WHY! UWS rite now, but afta a year UNSW/USYD B Commerce. call me a dreamer but if theres a will theres a way :D
  2. BabyK

    Hospitality: how many pages

    hey guys just wondering how many pages did you guys write 4 d 15 mark questions at the end??? I do tourism, but absolutely no one iin the tourism forums is willing to help, and i know your course is pretty linked to mine, we have maybe 4 of the same modules, so plz if you can help me, has anyone...
  3. BabyK


    how many pages did you guys write for the 15 marks questions at the end??
  4. BabyK

    What will your UAC preferences be??

    i really hope soo cos i want in :D
  5. BabyK

    Anyone think they fucked their HSC already?

    i screwed math, but i have good internals 4 dat so hopefully itll help...otherwise my marks are 100% reliant on the externals as i fkd pretty much all internals
  6. BabyK


    in a yr 12 of 70 ppl your teachers know you. we dnt use student numbers i dnt know bout ur skwl but we use name nd class 4 internals
  7. BabyK


    Well i wud personally be more than happy 2 deal with both the consequences stated above, rather than have sorry to say amateurs that rekon der top stuff just cos day aced their internals, mind you some of us have disgusting teachers that can bias just on personal dislike e.g. English dey can...
  8. BabyK


    yeh well tough luck if you bomb out clearly you dont handle stress 2 well, and im sorry but if people cant handle stress den y on earth wud day be applying for university???? TAFE is a laid back environment where der is no 'stress" so mayb deyd be better off there if day cant do it, as harsh as...
  9. BabyK


    and i would seriously love nothing more than that :uhhuh: a year of feedback and f***ing up and den wen all my skills are polished and complete bang bang :hammer: but dats just me:p
  10. BabyK


    i personally find the system very DUMB, i wish they would get rid of the SCHOOL ASSEMENT MARK because plenty of poshy schools either get yr 1 easy exam papers (id know iv seen them from friends) orr their teachers pull stunts. im sorry but its the stupidest thing ive heard of, it should be 100%...
  11. BabyK


    Im just wondering for Q22,23,24 where you have to choose 2 questions to write a response for 15 marks, could someone plz tell me whether theyre meant to be essays or business reports style????? also does anyone know what length they should be for a band 6 response? plzzzz help :(
  12. BabyK

    anyone know how ancient scales?

    d scaling is on this page, to the home pg of bored of on other stuff and it has scaling under advice, den click scaling of subjects n der u go. :D
  13. BabyK

    anyone know how ancient scales?

    look at past yrs. modern scales above average close to adv.eng and ancient scales well....near general math...big diff....but if u get a band 6 no1 can change dat
  14. BabyK

    Plz Help

    if any1 has notes on Tourism: -Processing financial transactions - Develop and update industry knowledge - source and provide destination advice please send them to me??? thank you
  15. BabyK

    Modern History is nearing.

    Im hoping WW1: reasons for stalemate / nature of trench warfare / passhendale/ the somme Germany: at least one option on the collapse of WR hopefully linked to the Great Depression anything really for Leni Riefenstahl Europe: dictatorships, The League of Nations collapse blah blah nefing...
  16. BabyK

    Modern History is nearing.

    Im expecting Germany Leni Conflict in Europe its shit that i have 2 do both the world war ( especially considering cutting off my leg would be more fun den learning about ww1, seriously it is BORING) but i self chose Conflict in Europe :D i failed indochina in the trials, so i thort y...
  17. BabyK

    So who else thinks we got slid a 2 unit paper?

    DAT PAPER WS DISGUSTINGG wtfff srslyy in all d past papers i did i got lyk 90's, nd even my trials, d trials dat were ment to be lyk 1000 times harder den dis bullshit were yr 3 work compared to this, this was just expectation b4 dis exam: 75, uai expectation now : below 30...
  18. BabyK

    how many pages per section?

    5, 8, 8. FUKD MODULE A hard :(
  19. BabyK

    Anyone else disliked tht test?

    Yehh i really dident lyk it i had in the wild for module A and i left it till last, cos i had no idea wat to do wif dat quote so i had bout 20 mins left and a weird q...and yeh i only wrote 5 pgs srsly....i so hope d markers will be pitiful on me :cold: plz plz, cs d otha 2 will du ok, but dat...
  20. BabyK

    Plzzz Anyone Doing Business Studiesss!!????

    nahh lol i be syked 4 life if i got a band 5 in business