Search results

  1. BabyK

    studying 8-10 hrs a day during STUVAC

    Lol omg yesss u shud see the study schedules i create full madd set out psshttt 1 full topic of business in one dayy and 6 chapters of maths :hammer: syked 4 it... :uhoh: and oh wellzzzzz at least im trying im managing bowt a gd 8 hrs per day( evan tho my aim ws about 12) so wt...
  2. BabyK

    studying 8-10 hrs a day during STUVAC

    lol i love how u guys say ONLY 97...*sigh...i reckon id build myself a memorial in d middle ov the city if i got dat much :P
  3. BabyK

    studying 8-10 hrs a day during STUVAC

    well a good friend of mine who finished his hsc in 07, with a UAI of 97.2 now doing Law at UTS told me he printed out the syllabuses for all his subjects during yr 11, and during the big summer vacation studied a good 10-12 hrs a day and by the beggining of 2007 he had finished all the yr 12...
  4. BabyK

    studying 8-10 hrs a day during STUVAC

    Yeh im not very motivated to study i only started studying yesterday, since b4 d trials nd frankly nt luking 2 freaked out that even if I ace d HSC big whoop, so what if u get 100 in d HSC exam n u got lyk 50-60 ur assessment mark psshhtt ul get a a 70 in d final HSC mark if ur...
  5. BabyK

    Employment in IT industry

    Both my parents have IT degrees, and they both earn reasonably high incomes, and change jobs however much they like, there is never shortage in IT jobs, just like accounting and nurses, it is highly sought after, and yes you will have a job in 40 years time lol you'll just need 2 update your...
  6. BabyK

    Show Us Your Preparation For Hsc!

    I'm just wondering is it better to study from your classnotes or from bought textbooks :S and also which textbook is better for: Modern History : Excel or Leading Edge Business Studies: Excel or Maquarie or my class txtbook which is 600 pgs :S I dont have time 2 learn all ov dem nd its 2...
  7. BabyK

    Interpreting your results from SAM

    srsly i fink everyone places waayy 2 much emphasis on d uai, its nt d end of d world, if uv screwed up, jus get into any uni e.g. western sydney,newcastle blah blah blah, den study ur ass of and transfer after an year. dat simple. meanwhile i hope i get into western :( :( i do NOT want...