dnt worrie about it ive been pretty inconsistent all year 2 n i fkd my assessments, but dese exams r worth 50% so im sure if u du good in dem ur mark will get scaled up, cos cmon ur being compared wiv d state nt some shittyass skwl dat kd say its students aced all der exams :) plus d hsc is a...
yerr i flunked out in d middle section wich ws 40 marks ov wich i only got about 5, nd d multiple choice dats 20 marks, i got 10, section 3 i got 14, n d next section 4 i got 17 coz i knw my case study off by heart =) OK?? i meant band 5 in section 4 not overall
Im just wondering if there is anyone who did bad at school for one reason or another, and is now relying purely on these exams to get into uni?? also do you know anyone who only did good in their HSC, bt not at school and den got a mad UAI?? :rolleyes:
welll yehh my business studies exam is this thursday, and i only started studying last tuesday when it hit me that this is it, i flunk these exams n no uni for me....and den i freaked and ive been studying literally 10+ hours since den.... im not joking im fkn scared!!!!!! but den agen dats jus...
uumm i wudunt reccomend writing too much of the syllabus down, coz i got marked down in d trials cos i did that and 2 much ov my essay was apparently irellevant :confused: but if u know its relevant dats right even if u dnt know heaps about it write it and write about 2 line...
Well for section 3 u don't have to memorise a case study coz day gyv it 2 u...and section 4...if u had 2 do a BRT i fink u kuld use dat...or pretty much any otha big1 e.g. BHP Billiton, CSL ltd, even Coles ltd....as for length in the trials there were 2 ppl in my year who got 20/20 and one wrote...
dw i havent even looked at my case study, n got one on woolworths which is disgusting it covers all the topics but i f***ing hate ittttt :( im thinking of using this article i have of the current financial crisis...i think it could b gudd if we get finance or global in dat question coz the...
wowww dats aktualli pretty mad :rolleyes: cos i doubt im gonna have time to go over too many past papers but wow 98/100 dats beautiful... yeh i guess if you know the syllabus and the expected structure of the exam den ur set... i was finking ov asking my teacher to go through some business...
Re: wat u guys plannin 2 do afta hsc
uuumm i want to be a financial markets dealer/ stockbroker or accountant, im aiming 2 get into B Business & Commerce at UWS, and den transfer to USYD, UNSW B Commerce :) coz no way im getting uai 95 psshtt
dts aktualli a mad idea, cos ur more likely to memorise the material if u wryt it as a business report...and its true they can't ask u aniifink dats nt in the syllabus points.... what are u guys using as case studies for the last question? our teacher gave us woolworths :angry: but i dnt lyk...
Our hsc exam is THIS thursday, and my notes are a bit iffy...im just wondering anyone who got high in business studies, could you please reccommed to me what i should concentrate on for the exam...i mean any ideas on whatll probably get asked for each topic...and also if anyones been listening...
i dunnow im really stuck on king lear my trial question was "Expalin why King Lear is regarded Shakespeares greatest tragedy" lykk whooo sed it was?????? lol aniways ive got the york notes guide 2 king lear nd it explains all the views you need on it and textual integrity etc...so if u can get...
lol me 2 if i spent as much time studying as i spent writing schedules....ouuffttt it wud b mad marks bt all i du is write n rewrite schedules lolz and the hsc gets closerrrr n closerrr nn yehh lol at least im nt alone :rolleyes: