Search results

  1. Mark576

    Teachers and selective schools

    Hey, How do you think teachers will react when you tell them that you are going to move to a selective school next year ...happy or angry? I'm thinking happy since they've taught us and obviously (wink wink) they've done a good job if one of their students was to be selected. I'm just curious...
  2. Mark576


    Can anyone please tell me what language (cornet??) has been translated to to get corni?? It was in my music test, but our teacher had never told us anything about a corni ...any help would be appreciated.
  3. Mark576

    Music notes

    Hey i tried asking in the SC forum but no-one there could help me do any of you have (by any chance) any music notes from year 10?? It's a long shot but thanks anyway ...
  4. Mark576

    Music notes

    Does anyone here have any music notes that they could post up? I'd really appreciate it since i want to do music next year and i need to know the basics, but since we've got such a bad class we don't really get to do much, so if anyone could help out here, it would be greatly appreciated...
  5. Mark576


    Ok my question is this: Do you have to show all working out for the trial and real school certificate?? Please reply as my exam is in about an hour and a half. Thankyou
  6. Mark576

    about the school certificate ...

    Does the trial school certificate usually incorporate questions from previous school certificate papers or do they make an entirely new test for the trials?? Thanks
  7. Mark576


    well how many decimal places can you recite pi? NOTE: this thread was created because my friend told me that at his school they have someone who can recite pi to the 1000th decimal place since this forum is full of highly intelligent people, i was curious to how far you can go.
  8. Mark576

    Extension 1 Textbooks

    which textbooks do you use and what do you think of them? Detailed questions, completely explained examples etc.
  9. Mark576

    Gosford High School

    Does anyone know anything about GHS? Better yet, does anyone here go there? What are the teachers like? How competitive is it? What is the level of academic ability?? If you're wondering why i'm asking, it's because there is a very probably chance that i will be going there next year ...i...
  10. Mark576

    Just a question regarding Maths ext. 1 ...

    Hey, I was curious as to how well the advanced course in year 10 prepares you for the extension courses in senior years. Any feedback suggesting required ability in year 10 which could be indicative of ability in year 11 mathematics extension 1 would be appreciated. Eg. a score of 90+...
  11. Mark576


    Can anyone give me a list of scaling for subjects, from previous years, for the HSC? Only for curiosity. Thanks
  12. Mark576

    Study methods

    Hey I trying to prepare myself for year 11 by ensuring great studying habits. What are some effective methods of studying that some of you use? it can be for science, maths, etc. thanks
  13. Mark576


    How important is ranking for the school certificate exam, and your final result. In fact, does it mean anything if you are coming first?
  14. Mark576


    Who here believes that they have a good memory? Do you think that it aids a lot at school, for tests? I personally think i have a shocking memory, and in effect i find that to get higher marks i need to study more than someone else, who would remember everything that has been said in class and...
  15. Mark576

    Graphics Calculators

    Just wondering what you can tell me about graphics calculators. eg. What are they essentially used for? how much do they cost? are they worth the money? and if the answer is yes to Q3, what are the best brands? Thanks
  16. Mark576

    Transition to selective

    Hey, I would really like to hear your thoughts about changing schools (in this case, changing to a selective school) when you move into year 11. Please add any advantages, disadvantages you have in mind. Thank you
  17. Mark576

    Subject choices for next year

    Just curious as to the subjects that people on this forum who are currently in year 10 are picking for next year, and the career choice they had in mind while choosing those subjects. Myself - English (Advanced/Standard? Haven't decided yet) Maths Extension 1 Physics Chemistry Some language...
  18. Mark576

    Forensic Science - Employment issues

    Hey, I was wondering if anyone had any information on job availability (good, bad?) for forensic science in New South Wales, preferably in Sydney. I was made aware of this issue when one of my friends told me that her older friend was having trouble finding work for forensic science, and ended...