Search results

  1. B

    should i or shouldn't i

    Is that how you pop yours?
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    Random facts about Antz Pants

    30 minutes left :D
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    Internet Relationships ???

    Hmm. So you mean you meet someone and say they move overseas and the only contact method is the internet? If so then it would be difficult to sustain a lasting relationship solely due to the lack of proper communication and interaction. If you mean someone you met on the internet whose...
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    Which NRL team do you support?

    :cool: Damn right. (Born in Canterbury)
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    is this slack or what

    You cheated on me! Lets be friends :D
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    Internet Relationships ???

    Internet relationships or long distance relationships? Or long-distance-internet relationships? What sort of relationship? Friendship?
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    Who pays board to live at home?

    I've never heard of the term "Board" before until today (18 november 2005) :D My parents support me now and I'll support them when they retire.
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    Christmas Casual Hiring 2005

    That use to be an interview test :D I applied for HUBS last year not knowing the difference and I didnt get the job, mainly because the areas i chose didn't require extra staff. There are better oppurtunities at the mail centers.
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    best uni for international business

    Macquarie University is good for business and offer the highest grant for overseas travel.
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    MC: Correct Answer +0.50 Incorrect Answer -0.16
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    Christmas Casual Hiring 2005

    Strathfield Postal Center 5pm - 10pm (with possible 2hour overtime) We only get like a 15 minute break :P
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    Christmas Casual Hiring 2005

    Me too :D Which station are you working at?
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    Annoying tv shows?

    Australian Princess The OC Home & Away British shows: The Bill, Inspector Frost, Rosemary & Thyme etc. The Bold & The Beautiful/Passions/The Young & The Restless Channel 10 WEATHER News. New Episodes of The Simpsons Brainiac Anything with Psychics solving crimes or clairevoyants. Hueys...
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    I hope you guys are prepared for Season 2 because Channel 7 have already signed a deal for the show to go on (this was before the premier)
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    should i or shouldn't i

    Hahah, being asked by your best friend to fuck them would be quite awkward too.
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    Getting to know you

    Why not just buy a projector. Your projection can be so big that you feel as if your standing right next to your favourite idol, but the quality is questionable. :D
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    Getting to know you

    Why don't you buy a Computer TV-TUNER for ~$100 That way you can browse BoS and watch your favourtire shows at the same time. And you can always record your favourite shows (although it is illegal) :P
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    What's your job and how much you earn?

    How did you get that job! Age: 20 Job: Jobless Wage: $0.00
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    Getting to know you

    B a S i c . I n F o [Name] Brian [Age] 20 [Education n course] Macquarie BMedScience - soon to be BMedSc/Bus @UTS or BSci/Com @USYD [Sign] Libra [Birthday] 30 Sep [Hair Color] Black [Eye Color] Brown [Hair Style] Not bald. Ethnic Background: Australian born, vietnamese background...
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    lingerie/undies <3

    Theres a job posted by my Uni regarding lingerie and lingerie asociated work. :P I don't like any of them (from the above pictures) --> give me silk anyday.