Hmm. So you mean you meet someone and say they move overseas and the only contact method is the internet?
If so then it would be difficult to sustain a lasting relationship solely due to the lack of proper communication and interaction.
If you mean someone you met on the internet whose...
That use to be an interview test :D
I applied for HUBS last year not knowing the difference and I didnt get the job, mainly because the areas i chose didn't require extra staff. There are better oppurtunities at the mail centers.
Australian Princess
The OC
Home & Away
British shows: The Bill, Inspector Frost, Rosemary & Thyme etc.
The Bold & The Beautiful/Passions/The Young & The Restless
Channel 10 WEATHER News.
New Episodes of The Simpsons
Anything with Psychics solving crimes or clairevoyants.
Why not just buy a projector. Your projection can be so big that you feel as if your standing right next to your favourite idol, but the quality is questionable.
Why don't you buy a Computer TV-TUNER for ~$100
That way you can browse BoS and watch your favourtire shows at the same time. And you can always record your favourite shows (although it is illegal) :P
B a S i c . I n F o
[Name] Brian
[Age] 20
[Education n course] Macquarie BMedScience - soon to be BMedSc/Bus @UTS or BSci/Com @USYD
[Sign] Libra
[Birthday] 30 Sep
[Hair Color] Black
[Eye Color] Brown
[Hair Style] Not bald.
Ethnic Background: Australian born, vietnamese background...
Theres a job posted by my Uni regarding lingerie and lingerie asociated work. :P
I don't like any of them (from the above pictures) --> give me silk anyday.