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    Alias Finale??

    Seemed like such a short season..... JJ Abrams we salute you!
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    memoirs of a geisha

    Most people know him from American Pie as the MILF guy.
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    Do you see yourself marrying outside your race?

    Well two of my uncles are Korean and our family doesnt seem to mind because they are great guys and my family is of Vietnamese/Asian decent. I asked my parents how they'll react if I brought home someone not Asian and they said they wouldnt mind as long as its what I wanted. My parents...
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    Do you see yourself marrying outside your race?

    I dont see a difference between going out with someone outside your race and marrying someone outside your own race. Unless of course going out with someone only means to be with them in a relationship, sex and no mariage.
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    memoirs of a geisha

    Yup. And the asian guy played a role in House today :D
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    New season of the apprentice

    University Degree, because you have a qualified degree AND you can be street smart. Though it doesnt work the otherway around.
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    memoirs of a geisha

    White Castle :P
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    New season of the apprentice

    I was surprised he fired all four last night too. Would of expected 2 of them to go but not all 4. Funny to see how they were all crowded into the back of the taxi and noone said anything. Wouldnt mind seeing how the others reacted cause they usually wait for them to walk back into the suite...
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    memoirs of a geisha

    No, there is no problem however a lot of people would pick up that Zhang Ziyi has been in many Chinese movies and being in a Japaneese setting wouldnt be as consistent for the film. And to add to your comment about having a foreigner from Japan taking the role of Lucy Lu's Kill Bill...
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    can u guys/girls help me out

    You've asked her out that many times? Are you really that desperate? Why not stop bugging her and understand the position she is in rather than forcing her to go out with you. And by 'forcing' I mean stop asking if she has giving you a reason and respect her wishes.
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    memoirs of a geisha

    Just like Lucy Lu in Kill Bill..... There are many decent Japanese actors out there but none which the American public would recognise.
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    Christmas cash- Parramatta

    Hmm Parramatta would be so convenient. But I would like to know more about the job . I dont really consider myself as someone suited to direct sales.
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    typist job

    When I collected the sheet it stated that it closes on Monday and the student office confirmed that I had the end of today (Monday) to hand it in by.
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    USYD Pharmacy 2006

    Thats very unlikely. Only if they were Fee-Paying.
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    typist job

    Applications actually closed today (Monday) not Tuesday.
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    What is the best simpsons episode?

    Barney: Ahhh, natural light! get it off me! Homer: Oh, Lisa, you and your stories: Bart's a vampire, beer kills brain cells. Now let's go back to that ... building ... thingie ... where our beds and TV ... is. When I was seventeen I drank some very good beer. I drank some very good beer...
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    typist job

    Especially when it has really creamy melted cheese in it.
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    Tony Abbott's Pharmaceutical Reforms

    Good thin I decided not to be a pharmacists :P Worst graudate wage, long years and a long time ebfore you make real money (owning your own store). The 1.5km rule is to prevent competition, but if you visit Pharmacies in Cabramatta, Ryde and Parramatta, you'll see that there are way too...
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    so how are you guys feeling about ur exams?

    ISYS123 - D Chem208 - P Biiol224 - D
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    What is the best simpsons episode?

    I LOVED THAT SCENE hahaha. Also: Mr Hutz: I rest my case. Judge: You rest your case? Mr Hutz: Oh I thought it was just a figure of close.