Search results

  1. B

    Going through UAC again -.-;;

    You can add unis if you want, and shuffle them too. Or remove unis etc.
  2. B

    Going through UAC again -.-;;

    Changing your preferences wont cost you anything. Use: You can change as many times as you want before the closing dates for the round offers apparently.
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    What is the best simpsons episode?

    Homer: Oh look at me !!! I'm making people happy! I'm the magical man from happy land, with a gumdrop house on lollipop lane! I am evil Homer ! I am evil Homer! Homer: Look Marge, you don't know what it's like - I'm the one out there every day, putting his ass on the line. And I'm not the...
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    What is the best simpsons episode?

    Homer: I know you can read my mind boy....Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow ... ALso the same epsidoe Homer is wearing those fake eye glasses in court. Homer: Hello, my name is Mr. Burns, I believe you have a letter for me. Postofficer: Okay Mr. Burns, whats your...
  5. B

    What is the best simpsons episode?

    Save the queen! Which one is the Queen? I'm the Queen! (Glass shatters) Freedom, horrible horrible freedom! Hahah the X-files one was gold. DIE........... Homer screams DIET..........Homer screams louder Turtle stealing grampas teeth and Moe with his whales.
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    Tony Takitani (Murakami adaptation)

    Kinokuniya on Pitt St stock all of Murakami's books. $25 each.
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    typist job

    Oooh they had it advertised somewhere, but I think it was advertising administrative jobs prior to the beginning of next semester. I think the typing jobs are for mentors? Check the Careerhub on our Uni webpage and look under Vacation Jobs
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    What is the best simpsons episode?

    Bart: how are they Raplh? (referring to Ralph eating a bunch of berries) Ralph: they taste like burning. Also from the Lord of the Flies episode: Everybody has jungle face paint and Ralph draws whiskers and pops out of the bush saying MEOW. Ralph: Me fail english? Thats unpossible. (BEST...
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    Tony Takitani (Murakami adaptation)

    I closed my eyes and listened carefully for the descendants of Sputnik, even now circling the earth, gravity their only tie to the planet. Lonely metal souls in the unimpeded darkness of space, they meet, pass each other, and part, never to meet again. No words passing between them. No promises...
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    Yes and Yes :)
  11. B

    girls with muscles? yes or no?

    Being tone doesnt always refer to muscles. It is basically just a well defined body shape for a particular individual.
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    WHERE did you lose your virginity?

    "I am Bscienceboi's penis." It's written in first person. "Without me, Bscienceboi would be very lonely although I often find that I am the lonely one." There's a whole series -- "I am bscienceboi's Prostate."...
  13. B

    Worst way of getting dumped.. or worst excuse for a break up

    Some people actually propose via SMS lame.
  14. B

    Alright bitaches, help a brother out...

    Would be interesting to see if you can time your BBQ so that they are at home. They might come over....dressed as policemen.
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    first aid course

    Some people just find it may be helpful down the road. Pharmacy/med students have to do it too.
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    Worst way of getting dumped.. or worst excuse for a break up

    <TheVirus> So I had a girlfriend for all of 9 months. She dropped by one afternoon when I was sick with a pan of brownies and a video tape with the simpsons on it (my favorite show). so I start eating the brownies and turn on the tape. midway through it, it cuts to her sucking off some dude...
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    making an impression

    and bring beer...
  18. B

    science sucks at uni

    Science as in non-computing and non-maths. Chemistry, Biology, Ecology, Geos, those units and so on.
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    Hahah I overheard Gaurav alking about cricket throughout the ISYS prac. And I got scolded at by some guy that was checking to see whether people were using the computers for Comp-related subjects and I was doing Bio stuff :P
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    science sucks at uni

    Science is not easy, it requires the most attention. Not to mention the science load is quite big. 4 Hour pracs each unit. Which in first year doing 4 science subjects equates to 16 hours. On comparison to commerce or other subjects, they spend on average 12 hours a week a Uni and science...