Search results

  1. llamalope

    Girl dumps guy for u.. will she cheat?

    I've done this before.... just because you break up with a guy to go into another relationship, doesn't mean you will cheat on the new guy, or leave him for another guy as well. It all depends on the situation.
  2. llamalope

    work relationships

    I don't think it is an issue if you are in casual/ part time work, unless the situation at work becomes uncomfortable, and you can't remain professional
  3. llamalope

    Number of offers anybody received

    ok, I'll restrict the criteria.... it is the maximum number of offers in one year... But Shanonm, I congratulate you on your success with offers :)
  4. llamalope

    BOS meet-up

    And if it's just the three of us... I'll make ur duo a threesome :D
  5. llamalope

    BOS meet-up

    I'll be there :) contemplating whether i should just wear my jersey (cause llamalope is my nickname) for the meet up (not during the rest of the day)...for identification processes....... of course...knowing me...I'll probably decide that I don't want to look like a dickhead and not wear...
  6. llamalope

    the OC

    Oh well... I'm sure you can live...We're only 10 episodes behind...It's not like it's 10 years or something!
  7. llamalope

    GirlTV.. how HOT is she??

    Remember When Samamtha went to throw me a casette tape in class and it hit Chissie right on the head? That was funny...slack...but funny. When she was at maccas with me, She was even more HYPO than she was in primary school. She was kinda out of control.... :P Man I wish I went to that...
  8. llamalope

    ----People With AMAZING/UNIQUE Voices-----

    Some of these are amazing...some simply "unique" Jeff Buckley Alexi Murdoch Guy Sebastien (I hate him, but his voice IS "unique") Josh Groban Ben Harper Britney Spears Whitney Houstan Mariah Carey Delta Goodrem Missy Higgins (definately UNIQUE) Tori Amos The girls from Destiny's child
  9. llamalope

    hornier sex????

    It's also much harder to rape a guy...although there have been some documented i don't think that has much to do with it
  10. llamalope

    hornier sex????

    ohh I dunno about that. I think girls think about sex a lot.. They just don't make it obvious
  11. llamalope

    A Love Story...With A TwIsT

    it does sound like he's gay. What CAN you do about it. Nothing!!!! its not like you can say to Y..."look, I know you're gay, so you don't have to bag out X all the time"
  12. llamalope

    break up ova a txt msg.

    kick him in the balls
  13. llamalope

    BOS meet-up

    Sorry everybody, But I've gotten lazy............did anybody actually specify WHEN EXACTLY we are meeting? And don't just say.. "During O week".....thats not specific
  14. llamalope

    Roll up! Roll up! post your late round offers here!

    Anybody get late round offer for Sydney here? I got commerce/arts (HECS) and Arts (media and communications)
  15. llamalope

    Does anyone know a uni where you can do a librarian course?

    Solution to your problem YES!!!!!! I looked it up for you. If you look up librarianship, here are the courses where you can study information science/management/librarianship. And these are the only ones. Alternatively I'm sure you could do that at TAFE if you so desired 131173 B Arts (New...
  16. llamalope

    gay friend

    we aren't basing opinions...we are relating stories. There's a difference.
  17. llamalope

    Number of offers anybody received

    I know...I am simply trying to protect myself from SOME people on here..... And to all those people who got their highest preference 1st go....I salute you!
  18. llamalope

    Number of offers anybody received

    ohhh and just in case anybody accuses me of bagging out people who only got 1 or no offers at uni........I'm not, at all. I'm just curious.
  19. llamalope

    2005 University Offers - Post them here (No spam)!

    I got another 2 offers in the late rounds commerce/arts at Sydney (HECS) and Arts (media and communications) also at Sydney (Fee) and although I am tempted, considering the crappy number of maths subjects I have to do in my course, I don't think I will accept either
  20. llamalope

    Number of offers anybody received

    Hey there Just wondering what is the record (from anybody on BOS) number of offers anybody has received from UAC throughout the whole offer period. Feel free to update your posts as the late and final round offers come in