well size matters in some ways. guys, YES there is such a thing as having a dick that's too big.
Quote from "Sweetest Thing" (thanks to bubz for pointing that out :D)
"You're penis, too big to fit in here. To big to fit in here, to big to fit in here...uh uh uh"
oK, talking about gay guys who come out of the closet. This is how it all happened.
The guy in our group (who I discovered half of our group secretly liked) and I were talking one night, and I was apologising for being a bitch (I don't remember exactly what it was about) and I mentioned that...
Are you kidding? Every instance I've known where a friend has rejected the advances of another friend has become SO awkward between them.
Unless you think or know that there is a very strong possibility that this girl returns your affections, I wouldn't risk it.
Besides, unless she is the...
I prefer it when the guy pays, but I am more than happy to split the bill. I think guys should open doors. Whatever happened to good old fashioned curtesy here?!?!?
....................Of course, if I was walking in front....I would open the door however, and let the guy through. I mean...
come colleges, such as the ones at Sydney uni practically force you to participate fully in all the sports...... which is bad for the non-sporty people
well I have a kind of related question which WANS"T adressed in the FAQ...how many rep points do you need to change ur reputation on a specific post. I know that is you get 1 point, you are "somewhat positive"...but how many do you need to get from there to positive, and so on???
well I have a kind of related question which WANS"T adressed in the FAQ...how many rep points do you need to change ur reputation on a specific post. I know that is you get 1 point, you are "somewhat positive"...but how many do you need to get from there to positive, and so on???
you know why he did that? because he lost...and they had nothing to talk about at the party..... there was a lull in the convo...and the obvious thing to do was.... PROPOSE!!!!!
of course....i am joking... but hey...who knows!!