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  1. llamalope

    Who was your first celebrity crush?

    David Boreanaz... hahahaha I was a buffy fan! But i think along the way there was antonio sebato junior... dagnammit that man is HOT STUFF, and a brief interlude with that guy from sabrina but these days... well... I know I'm a hopeless case, but it's Colin Firth all the way. I don't care if...
  2. llamalope

    Anybody write their OWN lyrics/songs?

    one more... because I am bored... Do you know what it's like to love somebody that you could never have, but you want so bad to live every day, to hope and pray that you don't have to hide the feelings inside Do you know what it's like to need somebody more and more but your heart is...
  3. llamalope

    The Amazing Race 6

    who cares...johnathon is still a bastard of epic proportions
  4. llamalope

    Anyone here going to thge o-week ball?

    Anyone here going to the o-week ball? as the title says..... considering whether to shell out the money ohh and if you are going? for the ladies? what are u wearing? a full formal dress, or cocktail dress or what
  5. llamalope

    The Amazing Race 6

    I would file for divorce
  6. llamalope

    The Amazing Race 6

    Johnathon...oh my God i was so shocked. He is the rudest bastard I have ever seen in my life. what he was saying (or rather yelling) was so rude and horrible, and i cant believe he pushed her. Man, I agree with the assertion made at the beginning of this thread, Johnathon makes colin look like a...
  7. llamalope

    Top Places To Pull A Pick Up

    I agree. Two of my best friends are asians (although admittedly, they don't act very asian (like other people have indicated on this forum) even though they have totally asian parents)...and they're both hot and have no trouble getting guys particularly aussie guys. I used to tease them about...
  8. llamalope

    the OC

    yes, i liked the old gang better too..... pitty that the creator used all his good ideas in the first series....
  9. llamalope

    The Shittest Movie Ever.

    i couldn't be bothered reading them all, but here's my list walk 2 remember confessions of a teenage drama queen legally blonde 2 Alexander lake placid What lies beneath (thanx smoked salmon) ella enchanted edit: add spiceworld to that... ohh and cruel intentions2/3 And scary movie...
  10. llamalope

    Nikki Webster ???

    hahahaha no seriously, no
  11. llamalope

    Religion & Relationships (merged)

    I an anglican.... but i would consider becoming catholic if i was in love with a catholic guy...... but i wouldn't change christian to muslim or buddist
  12. llamalope

    Dodgy BFs and Dodgy GFs

    OMG i just discovered that bf no2 IS on BOS....... run and hide!!!!!
  13. llamalope

    Nikki Webster ???

    who's ur ex girlfriend? I might know her...
  14. llamalope

    Nikki Webster ???

    she did get a band 6 in music... she did it in yr 11.... at our school we all have to do 2 hsc subjects in yr 11. but anyways, she's a nice person if you actually knew her, and she doesn't have a big head or anything. I went to school with her. well actually i went to 2 of her schools. She...
  15. llamalope

    passions thread 2

    I don't think soapies ever end... they are just moved to different timeslots... like how passions is on at 9:30 in the morning.... which is just hillarious. I haven't watched it in months.... been too busy.... and i have no freakin idea what is going on at the moment.......
  16. llamalope

    best pick-up lines

    almost ALL pick up lines are LAME and represent desperation..... the only one i've liked on this forum was "apart from being sexy what do you do for a living".......
  17. llamalope

    Which faculty do you think is most attractive?

    ohh dear... thats a worry.... I'm one of that faculty ...... :D NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Edit: wait... did u mean the guys or the girls looked nerdy? Cause if u meant the guys.......well...... sadly........ i have to agree
  18. llamalope

    gang rape retrial

    nobody asks to be raped, you little shit..... I suppose you would suggest that people should show more sympathy to the rapists... "Ohhh poor little rapist...he was just trying to get lucky" A FEW???? A FEW????????? dude, if you raped more than one girl you should throw away the key. I think...
  19. llamalope

    Anybody write their OWN lyrics/songs?

    guess what everybody.... I"M BAACK!!! guys have been writing some quality stuff there!!! I am seriously impressed!.... I'd give you all rep points...but well... BOS won't let me!!!! hahahaha I've been wondering.....has anybody actually tried to get their songs heard by...
  20. llamalope

    BOS meet-up

    then he should be easy to spot